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Any other RNG having issues with Headshot?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Karthanon, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. Karthanon Augur

    Haven't played the last few days, my time is pretty constrained. Normally do some HA's and collecting AA in my (little) time I have to play, and noticed today in a DH HA (I know, I know) that I wasn't getting any Headshots on blue con xulous scouts at all. I'm 104, they're level 103 (I think), and my headshot is as 27/28, so I *should* be able to headshot them relatively reliably. Checked my log, and it hasn't fired yet today.

    The last time I played I remember usually getting one headshot a fight (that I could count on). So, is Headshot broken/messed up, or were xulous scouts changed from humanoid?

    Anyone else having the same issue, or am I just on crack?
  2. Brohg Augur

    You just dinged 104? Headshot works on humanoids that /con blue when you train the AA, which would have been at 103, meaning level 102- mobs. /con will be an accurate indicator for "should Headshot work" again when you train the 28/28 rank at 105.
  3. Karthanon Augur

    Well, that explains things then. I thought it fired on anything 1 level or lower than my 'current' level - meaning anything humanoid level 103 or lower. I suppose not!

    Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  4. Phrovo1 Augur

    I don't think 104 had a headshot rank so it will only work on 102 or lower
  5. Thraine Augur

    yep your just in a bad spot, ding 105 and get the last rank of HS and you'll be golden man.
  6. Phrovo1 Augur

    headshotting goblins outside droga is fun