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Any classes still not happy on Live at 125?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. kizant Augur

    I thought LS was easy. Obviously, wizards can't solo everything but I also had my level 120 enchanter in ToL group gear and most aug slots empty. It was plenty.
    Kalvenie and Sancus like this.
  2. Syndr New Member

    super Hard on wizzy's who dont box... especially since aoe's are garbage and roots snares ect break..hard to even solo many expac's back as a solo wizard
  3. Cadira Augur

    Low lvl wizards still need adjusted. My wizard has consistently been 50 to 60% of my mages dps from lvl 70 to 110 currently. Mage has a tiny bit better adps but shouldn't be double the dps....of a pure dps class.
    GameKiller and Dre. like this.
  4. fransisco Augur

    snares break? You might be lumping them with root. Snares do not come off early, if they land they go for the duration. If kiting, you just need to be aware of the timer so you know when to reapply.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  5. Roxas MM Augur

    beastlords still can't pick gnome as a race :mad:.
    Bumkus likes this.
  6. fransisco Augur

    A race for thier pets?
  7. Alnitak Augur

    Nennius and fransisco like this.
  8. Iven Suggestions Bard

    I have no clue how lvl 125 clerics are balanced, but the balance between healing and DPS was not that bad in the PoP era. Back then, clerics were very busy with healing, but when mana permitted it, the DD nukes were a nice DPS addition. The problem today seems to be that the SHM is OPed in healing, slowing, DPS and ADPS, while the cleric has not much else beside the heals to offer. And high level tanks seem to be tanking way to good today, so that the cleric has even less to do. The cleric is not really a problem, it is the general game balance that is out of control. Adding this tank AA, and another one, and another tank disc, adding this passive slow belt, etc.
    Vumad likes this.
  9. Bumkus Augur

    As an Ogre Beastlord, i usually pick Dorf. Gnomes are a little too chewy
    Iven and fransisco like this.
  10. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Plus we come pre-marinated.
    Nennius and Bumkus like this.
  11. Salinae Old Cranky member

    Clerics are trash right now, its not even close. They cannot do anything by themselves, have limited raid functionality, have no dps whatsoever, no adps ability and even the undead stuff hasnot kept up with statflation. Clerics have to be dragged along either in box groups or dependant on the mercy of others.
    bbanz, Annastasya and Tallie like this.
  12. Metanis Bad Company

    This is the only quibble I have with your characterization of my class. Raid tank healing is the only place a cleric can shine and use a wide range of our skills. We've got the damage mitigation and a lot of really quick acting heals. And a lot of it is actually useful in high damage situations.

    This utility is our only saving grace and it's important early in an expansion cycle before the events are well known and the tanks have a chance to gear up. It's nice to be useful even if it's only for a few weeks a year.
    Annastasya, Vumad and Tallie like this.
  13. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I mainly play ENC, MAG, SHD, DRU.

    DRU healing is pitiful. It should be corrected. A 2 second heal that lands for 250k is not priest level healing. I understand that DRU is more DPS than healing but a slow heal needs to land for meaningful numbers.

    Their terrible healing makes them much more CLR/WIZ hybrid than a priest that can DPS. They should be able to take the main healer spot in a group but they can not. I like my druid but being a second rate DPS and not being able to fill the healer role very well is disappointing.

    My alts are RNG, CLR, BRD.

    CLR... I don't get to play my alts enough to say too much about them, other than I quit playing CLR, because it is mindlessly boring in the group game. They heal for way too much and do nothing else. I wish they would make the CLR Vow a monstrously meaningful DPS boost with a significant decrease in healing. I wish CLR could turn themselves into bad paladins with Vow. Right now they are just super boring. Usually their healing is just way more than is needed and there's nothing to do in between.
    fransisco likes this.
  14. Koutarou_E'ci Augur

    Its difficult to fix clerics - give them DPS and the paladins whine, give them new creative healing and the shaman whine...
  15. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I think the solution to clerics is Vow. It already exists. They can just tune the spell to increase DPS, decrease healing, increase slay, etc until the class is balanced. Who cares if paladins are annoyed. A CLR being able to get close to a paladin with Vow, but they can't taunt, have no tank discs, etc, doesn't hurt paladins in anyway. I think it's a simple solution. Just take a similar geared CLR and PAL and put Vow on the CLR and go hit stuff until the numbers show up where the CLR does x% less DPS, x% more healing and x% less tanking than the PAL.

    CLR should actually have a few lines of Vow that do different things or scale differently. One line could be battle cleric and the other could be bad paladin.

    I think I parse CLR doing DPS at like 80k DPS and Paladins doing like 400k DPS, like 1.5 million against undead, and the PAL can self heal enough that the CLR doesn't even need to heal them. I don't care if CLR can Vow and tank T1 content in the way a paladin and tank T2 content, and DPS meaningfully, and I really don't care how Paladins feel about it. We all want Clerics in raid content but force them to suffer through group content where they have so little to contribute. Let them be fun. Paladins will live.
    Annastasya likes this.
  16. Iven Suggestions Bard

    DRU / WIZ hybrid is totally ok but it never was attuned correctly. The druid never was a pure priest class. Remember druid quad kiting ? You do lack knowledge of the original concept and how druids were played in the early years. There is no need for another pure priest class beside the cleric as the cleric class has already very serious issues.

    The basic druid concept is to cut the DPS of the wizard and the healing power of the cleric into the half, which is why the druid cannot do anything right. That concept just does not work, and never had. Druids are the eternal disabled class. I made the same logical 50% mistake when I started to develop the spellmage class concept which can be found in my suggestions. EverQuest does have and does repeat this mistake since 25 years now.

    To make druids a respectfull class, they do need 70% of what the wizard and cleric can do, and not 50%. 100 to 70 is factor 1.43 = +43%. So a cleric could heal 43% better than a druid, and a wizard could deal 43% more damage than a druid. And a druid can heal 30% worse than a cleric and deal 30% less damage than a wizard.
  17. Vumad Cape Wearer

    That was a whole lot of text and some baseless insults to agree with me.

    Druids are not horribly broken. They mostly work fine and fit into the game well.

    The real big problem with druids is that Vida line doesn't heal for enough. It lands for like 250k and doesn't crit enough. Warriors have a million HP. The AVG knight has about 500k HP.

    Vida is the equivalent of the CLR light line. Vida just needs to have a minimum base land of about 700k, and crit for over a million for Druids to work as healers. Their slow cast heal landing for enough HP to heal a tank is just such an obvious and simple fix.

    The rest of their heals mostly work because other classes don't have as much HP. Their fast heals and group heals are pretty sufficient for where they fit into everything. They don't get HoTs or a bunch of other healing tools that clerics do, so making Vida/Light work well for them doesn't hurt the game at all.

    Druids could probably get a bit more help in the healing tuning than just bumping up Vida, but it's a very simple adjustment that takes them from unable to adequate.
  18. Randomized Augur

    I just have to start with this because it's too funny.

    Iven is now assuming the role of original Druid Dev and telling the forums how Druids were meant to be.

    What a class is capable of isnt what defines the class. Druids were a pure priest class until a the big DoT revamp they and Shamans got when devs decided go lean into their DPS side more.

    Listen up everyone! More information straight from an EQ dev!
    The basic Druid concept is a DoT based healer with caster synergy to combat Shamans melee synergy.

    Very curious what makes you think Druids are unable. They can main heal in the group game just fine. They just cant raid tank heal and that's fine.

    I think the two major points for Druids to be caught is much better mana regen (or just an overall cut of mana cost of spells), and HoTs. Not asking for Shaman strength healing, but being able to have a HoT would go a long way with how Druid healing works
  19. fransisco Augur

    Something that confuses the issue is when people say "x class is 'fine'" - where yes in a vacuum that class can function. However classes will always be in competition with the others in their category. When you need to work 5x harder to heal on a druid than on a shaman (who is usually higher dps and just a better adps/group add), does that make druids "ok"? When its strictly bad to bring a druid over a shaman in most groups, are druids "ok"?

    Are clerics ok because they can heal and do damage? The whole "x class is ok don't worry" is can often be translated as "don't look at the OP class I like cause I don't want it to be nerfed or not op anymore".
    bbanz, Iven, Randomized and 1 other person like this.
  20. Darkhain Elder

    This just show you know absolutely nothing about the game.

    1. Vida has HIGHER base heal than Light if above 20%.

    2. NO healer should FULL heal someone with 1 spell besides long CD spells/AAs, and no one can really do it, beside on a pally with multiple healing effectiveness buffs on.

    3. War and Knight have the same HP pool, aka around 1Mil.

    4. I've been healed by druid just fine.

    5. Dru are DPS with some healing skills.

    6. Shaman AE healing is still broken.