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Any classes still not happy on Live at 125?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. fransisco Augur

    I think the concept of hybrid is utterly meaningless. Rangers were hybrids once in classic-luclin. Then they started becoming their own class. Whatever the devs thought of the class 25 years ago doesn't really matter, because "hybrids" have changed so singificantly and become their own class.

    Anyways, this is wandered WAY off track, though since we're on the topic of rangers, it behooves me to point out how much they are 3rd class dps and have been for a very long time. having a single adps button raids like doesn't explain why they are quite weak compared to so many other classes. Also, something something mana regen please!
    Vumad likes this.
  2. Randomized Augur

    As long as you're not acting entitled, regardless of which side of the fence we're on, this is usually how it goes :)
  3. Szilent Augur

    They have five by my count - Elemental Arrow, Apex of the Pathfinders, Auspice of the Hunter, Group Guardian of the Forest, and Scarlet Cheetah's Fang. Those buttons have an enviable spread of power & reuse timer combos.

    My perspective is that Ranger class is in a good spot, structurally. They don't have excessive spam button proliferation, their good spells fit nicely on a spell bar, there's a solid rotation of self multipliers to stay on top of, and a couple quite powerful long-reuse burns. All good meta qualities worth appreciating.

    The numbers haven't inflated in a while to keep pace with classes that continue benefiting from gear growth of hDex, though (lookin' at mnk/rog/pal/shd; bst/brd have advanced mostly on other axes). Ranger performance has been floated in several spots through the Luclin expansions & Laurion's Song by Headshot, but that doesn't feel nearly as great being used to catch up with others as it would going up from par performance.

    And then there's the mana thing. Their blue bar is by far the fastest-emptying on a raid during burns, with the dps barely earning it, and with no class ability to help out sustain afterward. That having some addressing would especially change how good rangers feel about playing in good groups, I expect.
  4. Moobak No slaughter without laughter

    I want my necro to be able to wear plate hero forge. So I'd be okay with your suggestion too.
    Knifen likes this.
  5. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    If I was a necro. I would avoid this thread.
    Vumad and GameKiller like this.