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Any classes still not happy on Live at 125?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    With the class balancing and changes over the past 6-12 months, it feels like many classes nowadays are satisfied with their class. Who is still unhappy and (hopefully) can get some love over the next 6-12 months?

    It feels like druids, clerics and rangers are the three most dissatisfied IMHO. What does the community think?
  2. Alnitak Augur

    Druids are always dissatisfied, clerics should go back to healing raid tanks, and rangers are happy. My rangers are happy. In fact, I've made 3 ranger personas.
  3. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Yeah my Ranger seems pretty happy. But it might be due to that stuff she's foraging. :cool:
  4. bombyx Journeyman

    my Ranger is not happy. I want mana regen skill, so that I can return my DPS after dead in raid. Ranger need more powerful root So that the mob will not walk back when pushed by Blusterbolt. Fix the bug so that the mob will not regain aggro instantly after cover track used.
    Kalipto and Metanis like this.
  5. Riou EQResource

    Cleric is probably the only broken one atm (in a bad way), needs big changes or a complete reworking
    Raccoo, Fenthen, Koveras and 4 others like this.
  6. Brickhaus Augur

    Depends on what you mean by balance? It's seems 95% of what's talked about on the forums is raid balance only ... and generally only comparing well adpsed groups of folks.

    If that's what you are talking about ... then the overall dps balance seems to be okay. Healing balance is still way out of whack for the environment, both in just general overhealing and ae healing. Druids are still the short end of the stick, but it doesn't matter due to ae healing.

    Overall, I worry a little because generally casters should be ahead of melee at this point because primary spells have been upgraded. Next expansion (assuming no level increases) melee will just get better weapons while casters don't...at least that's been the progression for the previous sets of expansions lately. Rangers can probably complain a little about dps (but still heavily desired in raids due to Auspice).

    Overall and "group" balance - clerics are still painfully one sided and need something ... but no one's found anything good yet (you could increase cleric dps 500% at I'm still not sure it would mean that much). Pet classes still have far too much power solo and in group play. Tanks are still far too powerful. Melee's ability to constantly kill is still probably too high vs caster's mana limitations.
    fransisco likes this.
  7. Knifen Augur

    Yes, Rogues should be able to wear a robe if they so desire to. Cause some of them ornaments are sweet.
    Silvena, fransisco and Sissruukk like this.
  8. fransisco Augur

    I'm concerned about this, with the changes they made to weapon damage, the melee dps increase for the non-level expansion is gonna be bigger than anything we've ever seen before. Its not just gonna be melee are a little better, it'll be where you gotta start to justify why your bringing a caster.
    Sancus likes this.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    We paladins are patient. Our time will come. Maybe. We hope. Possibly. We...whoa! What's on TCM? We'll get back to you.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Silvena like this.
  10. Metanis Bad Company

    And yet I don't trust them to fix us clerics without first making things worse.
    Annastasya and Velisaris_MS like this.
  11. Marton Augur

    By the time they fix clerics, most of them will be playing their SHM personas.
    fransisco likes this.
  12. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Clerics, at least in the group game, are currently just little more than piloted healer mercs with better spell selection. Not sure how they can make it worse.
    Fenthen and fransisco like this.
  13. Silvena *poke*

    Carefully? Magically?
    Annastasya likes this.
  14. Cicelee Augur

    To me (as someone who has never played a cleric admittedly) there are two huge issues that contribute to your comment-

    First, EQ 2024 is all about DPS. Back in the day, you needed a tank and healing and crowd control. Nowadays it is just DPS. And the cleric is obviously the worst at DPS.

    Second, there is no risk or difficulty in group content anymore. As long as you have one healer (and even then in some scenarios that is debatable on the word need) then groups can do whatever. And a druid and shaman bring more utility to groups, and a merc won't roll on loot or spells or go AFK for extended periods.

    The merc healer is probably too competent and too cheap for EQ 2024, especially with players rolling in the hundreds of thousands in plat (at minimum). Druids and shaman need to be effective as a healer, otherwise every group would require a cleric and that phases out druids and shaman. But as long as a druid and shaman can handle healing in easy content, and a cleric just brings unnecessary things to groups (if I can tank with 700k hp and be fine and have no worry of death, then a cleric giving me another 100k hp is irrelevant) and the merc healer can do its job... clerics are out of luck.

    It is a shame.
    Fenthen likes this.
  15. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    You've played the game 20+ years, why would it still be difficult to you?

    It's been the same poor, one-dimensional class design for 25 years, if a Cleric hasn't changed classes that's on them.
  16. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Pretty funny when someone says group is no risk anymore considering there in full raid gear pretty sad. Im pretty sure wizards are still not happy.
    Dre. and fransisco like this.
  17. Ariralgrin New Member

    No reason to make a Monk over a Berserker or Rogue (on live, tlp is a different story). No reason (sorry pallies) to make a Paladin (on anywhere) over an SK.
    Dre. and fransisco like this.
  18. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Odd, I'm seeing monks and zerkers pretty much at DPS parity. Rogues fall short of both.
  19. Cicelee Augur

    I have some characters in raid gear, some I don't. I expect the game to be easy for some of my characters and not as much for others. And I also chat with non raid geared characters who also feel content is just too easy and without risk.

    The wizards I am guilded with are making top ten parses, seem happy, and one is actually switching back to his wizard as his main. And others I hear from echo the same sentiments. But obviously I don't speak to all, so maybe the 5% I interact with are happy and 95% are not, that could be true
  20. fransisco Augur

    This is always left out of conversations here. All group content is of course trivialy easy in raid gear, because all group content is trivial in raid gear. Not saying group gear is underpowered, but people forget that if they are in raid gear that means group content is not made for them. Their gear is 2-3 expacs better than current group gear.
    Very much so. Paladins are not "bad", as every sk is quick to point out. They can obviously function and fill the role. However while an old beater car and a ferrarri can both get you where you're going, one is obviously superior to the other. Theres a reason there are 100 SKs for every paladin made on live...