Anniversary Task not allowing lvl 95+

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Inagaki, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Inagaki Elder

    12th Anniversary Group Task Infiltrating the Guardian is not allowing my group to request it. Says my group's average lvl is too high.

    Last year, lvl 95s were allowed in. This year, I tried with a group of lvl 98 player + lvl 85 player + 85 merc (requesting with the lvl 85 player) and it won't let me request it. So looks like lvl 95+ are not allowed.
  2. Hatestorm Lorekeeper

    this needs to be fixed please. I was planning on farming the crap out of this mission this weekend.
  3. Enizen Elder

    Or could shroud down, get task, then remove shroud.
    moogs likes this.
  4. Orbital101 Augur

    Shroud max at 70 i taught? and the versions below 85 only as 1 reward
  5. Piestro Augur

    I've gone ahead and passed this on to QA to verify.
    moogs likes this.
  6. psychowizzy New Member

    can get task with my lvl 89 alt but wont let me add my lvl 96 or higher to the task. i can give the task to my lvl 90 drop my lvl 89 and still cant give to my 95 toon
  7. Inagaki Elder

    Please also look into 12th Anniversary Task: The Short Circuit. This is the solo quest you get inside the Infiltrating the Guardian mission. It's highly possible lvl 95+ cannot request this too. But there's no way for us to check since we can't even get into Infiltrating the Guardian.
  8. Hatestorm Lorekeeper

    Any word on this? It was not working as of a few minutes ago.
  9. RVDRVD New Member

    Piestro any news on this? Any guesstimate on timeframe?
  10. Lubianx Augur

    I had 2 level 100s and a level 90 in the group and could request it on the 90 but not on the 100s. I believe to request it you need to be under level 95. Dont think its the group average because I could taskadd another level 100 part way through the mission
  11. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Depending on when you did this it could have been something they could truly hotfix without taking the servers down.
  12. Inagaki Elder

    I figured it out.

    (a) You need someone between lvl 90 and lvl 95 to request the task.
    (b) Group average lvl must be over lvl 90.
    (c) lvl 90- and lvl 95+ can be in group as long as (a) and (b) are satisfied.

    What's happening is, lvl 95+ cannot request AND cannot join a 85-89 instance.

    If you use a lvl 85-89 to request, regardless of group average lvl, it will try to give you the 85-89 instance and that will bump the lvl 95+ out.

    All this said, I do consider it not letting lvl 95+ to request as a bug and looking forward to a bug fix.
  13. Inagaki Elder

    Confirmed. 12th Anniversary Solo Task: The Short Circuit is NOT letting lvl 95+ to request. This is the solo task offered inside the 12th Anniversary Group Task: Infiltrating the Guardian.
  14. Orbital101 Augur

    Oh well and me that taught i would have a few weeks of new things to do or get what i missed... Guess ill go make alt #4 to kill time!
  15. Piestro Augur

    The team is aware and looking into it; also whether it is hotfixable or if it will need downtime. Then they'll come up with a fix or a plan to fix. Lot of stuff to figure out, no news yet.

  16. Hatestorm Lorekeeper

    its been a few days. any idea if there will be a fix?
  17. Orbital101 Augur

    it is fixed... been fixed for at leest 8 hrs
  18. Hatestorm Lorekeeper

    Sweet. I didn't check before I came to work this morning.