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An Update to Selos and Mangler - Coming March 16, 2019

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roxxlyy, Feb 22, 2019.

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  1. Jimmy2times Elder

    Man that really sucks. I was looking forward to FV Rule set. I was playing on agnarr until this was set in stone and holding out hope. I’m done with EQ y’all don’t listen to us.. we have seen this tlp server already. FV rule set I’ll be waiting on you for the 30th anniversary maybe.. lol
    Jedipokey likes this.
  2. Holyreptar New Member

    Wow I’m beyond impressed with the changes. They’re not perfect but you guys did something and listened to your client base. Way to go!!!!
    My fiancé and I will be subbing for the servers.
    orionfox likes this.
  3. Sethiroth Augur

    you could really be on to something here, but I very much doubt DB have the resources for one server per expansion.

    however as an adaption to your idea, they could release servers by era (lets say an era is 5 expansions, give or take)

    so the first would be classic - PoP (they already potentially have this server in agnarr)
    second would be classic - DoN
    third, classic - SoF

    etc etc, with room for shuffling the eras around to whichever works best

    the server would have all said expansions open from the get go, so its not time locked as such, but it is capped by the end expansion

    you know that you can start on whichever server you want to, and when you achieve whatever goals you want to achieve on that server, you can choose to stay, or to free transfer to the next server (or even the last server if you really want to, though, there couldn't be any transferring back down the line for obvious reasons).

    it would allow people to play in whichever era they preferred, with whichever exp scale they wanted and they could even have none truebox for the higher end expansions which are more instanced.

    if a guild (or a player) wanted to start in classic, then work through the expansions, (or eras) till live they can do so, and move through the eras at their own pace. they can do so. if a guild (or player) wants to race through the eras, they can do that too.

    it would be fine for all kinds of players with a lot of flexibility, then when you reach the end server, you can choose to stay or potentially transfer to a live server.

    it could literally be a way to create a continually moving conveyor belt to live content.
  4. Yarteb Elder

    Thanks devs for the update, these two servers should hit the mark for the most players.
  5. TimeBreak Elder

    We made ABSOLUTELY 0 changes to Selos. Congrats on the 9 page thread, among others, that stated 1 month was too fast and 2 months would be a great compromise to the standard 3 month locks.
    Dragon Jockey and Yimin like this.
  6. someanonguy New Member

    FV rules on Mangler please
    YourNameHere, Yimin and Jedipokey like this.
  7. Talif Augur

    Patch notes from two days before you posted this:
    - The Broken Mirror and Empires of Kunark are now free to play on all servers.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They listened to the many casual voices who wanted to start in Classic, wanted longer unlocks and didn't want rubbish exp.3 month unlocks is a pretty good compromise from the 2 - 6 the players were asking for, though I did see a year in the requests. :rolleyes:

    They listened to the many voices who said Selo was perfrect as it was and have left it alone.

    So while you didn't get the longer unlocks on Selo you did get them on Manger along with better exp.
  9. Lost(Lxst) New Member

    mmm. so no casual server now? this is rather unfortunate. the reason i was planing to return. it's just not possible for me to take the full dive again. i can see how many will like the new selos. a few years back that would have fit me quite nicely. but why have a race server and a regular server? i dont understand. the original proposal was to introduce two new unique servers? yes?
    Jedipokey likes this.
  10. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    So i haven't played for long while, but is anything gonna be done with OP enchanter pets on these TLPs this round?... chanter only groups get old, lol.
  11. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    21st Anniversary.......maybe
  12. Xilriz Sathir New Member

    I have to agree I was gonna resub both my accounts after like 10 years if one of the TLP was geared towards FV ruleset and exp rates, but probably won't now, I like the sound of Selo's but 1 month unlocks is just to fast for even semi casual people to keep up with and Mangler is just out of the question, I started playing around halfway through the RoK so I never had that attachment to classic like alot of other's, I want my Iksar from the start so I MIGHT check it out after Kunark is released but that's quite a ways off.
  13. NoWay Augur

    FV ruleset = krono/plat farmers
  14. Maddog1974 New Member

    GoD opens the first Wed of June, July or August?
  15. Dragon Jockey Lorekeeper

    Was really hoping the expansion unlocks would be increased to at least 6 weeks, instead of a rushed 4 weeks. A bit disappointing.
  16. Barton The Mischievous

    Let me fix that for you --AnyRuleset= krono/plat farmers---- there ya go much more accurate
  17. odin2012 New Member

    Are we ever going to get a new progression server that isnt true box? I sure would love to activate my 3-4 accounts but I am not going to buy 2-3 more PCs and install windows on my mac(You dont allow virtualization anymore) I know there are a lot of us multi boxers who would like to have a new progression server to play on.
    Yimin and Jogath like this.
  18. Rithlir Journeyman

    New Mangler is a good compromise between all the suggestions for improvements. Unfortunately it's just another clone of phinny/coirnav.

    There's hoping for a 24 week unlock, phinigel exp next year I guess :)
  19. Elvonir New Member

    I had really regretted taking that week off work when the first rules were put out as I wouldn't have gone to either but now . . .

    If there's two servers coming out and one has faster xp and faster raid unlocks surely that's gonna be the one that raiders and racers are gonna head for, leaving the other normal server to be filled with casuals in effect Mangler becomes casual because the hardcores go to the other server .

    As a lifelong casual I cant wait for Mangler !
    I really hope a lot of casuals see my point and join me :D
  20. Gherig Addicted since Aug 1st, 1998

    Devs -- Is this announcement now set in stone? Is this what is coming or are you still looking at feedback and anticipate more changes to these 2 servers? I ask because its now at about the 3 week mark so guilds need to finalize where they are going, coordinate with members who might want prepare or change servers if things are not the way they like.
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