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Amazing New Server Idea - Never Discussed!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Palamarr, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. Palamarr New Member

    Everquest Online Adventures.

    Do it. Do it, Daybreak/DarkPaw. *whispers into ear* just do it.

    Cast revive on the corpse of your overshadowed and underrated game!

    And don’t tell me the code is gone! Don’t give me that?! What, did Joe Exotic set your server room on fire? Or was it that Bixie Carol Baskin!

    Or at least throw a bone to the people working on the private server.

    Any former EQOA players out there? I miss my Evercrack!
    Xenorius9 likes this.
  2. Cezz Journeyman

    I remember buying the stupid modem attachment for my PS2 just for that game. I didnt play it as much as I should have. It felt weird to play as an EQ1 player, but it was very cool.
  3. Creedmonk Augur

    LOL same. I was selected to Beta test. I remember getting the CD in the mail then needing to buy a stupid modem attachment
  4. Palamarr New Member

    Ahead of its time!
  5. Vicus Augur

    Sadly that was a theme for Sony. MMO on a console, fully voiced NPC's for EQ2 and Camera facial motion capture for EQ2. Miss the days of Everquest taking chances. (TLP's could fall into this also)
  6. Kittany Augur

    This gets my vote! :)

  7. jeskola pheerie

  8. Faer New Member

    I would pay $30/month to play EQOA. I would buy a PS2, and if it were imported to the newer consoles in the form of a digital download in the game store like other older console games, I would buy a newer PlayStation just to play it. Hell I would probably dual box or even more. Such an underrated game that I wish I had the opportunity to play so much more, even with thousands upon thousands of hours already invested.

    This game was just in the wrong place at the wrong time...but it's truly such a greatly designed game all around.
  9. Palamarr New Member

    I'm right there with ya. I think it nailed the hardcore huge world of Norrath while streamlining gameplay for the console. I remember running from qeynos to freeport for the first time... Took me like 3 hours. Not a single loading screen. Truly amazing.
  10. Xenorius9 New Member

    One game I wish I played, for sure. Never owned a PS2. There is an EQOA project underway... seems understaffed though afaik
  11. Faer New Member

    Absolutely. The world, classes, and itemization were so well crafted as well.

    Xenorius9, there is indeed a revival attempt going on. However, they are trying to recreate it from two packet captures and a dream. Most of the systems are essentially being reverse engineered, and a lot of the content from peoples memory. I don't want to be negative about the project, but I just can't see it ever being the same. I completely support what they're doing though. I just wish if official servers were never going to be reopened, that Daybreak could go out of their way to give us the server systems.

    There were so many people who never even got the chance to try it, being it was such a niche thing to have a PS2 with the network hardware. It would probably feel like a fresh EverQuest to a lot of EverQuest players who never had the chance to play. It's also interesting that the setting is 500 years prior to the timeline of EverQuest.
  12. HaneKV New Member

    If they were going to rez a dead game that they may or may not have the rights to, they should re-release Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, and release it TLP style.

    Such a beautiful game that suffered a terrible launch. If it was released in the state that it finished in I have no doubt that it would be popular.
    Noreaster likes this.
  13. Noreaster Journeyman

    I would play the out of that again
  14. Kittany Augur

    All of these are great suggestions. I mean, the market is there for everything suggested. (Although I am still secretly hoping for Champions of Norrath!). I'd argue that DPG's is sitting on a gold mine and they don't even know it.
  15. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    SoE did a lot, but they lost that race by almost a year.