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Alternate Persona

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by FranktheBank, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. WeCameWeConquered Augur

    If swapping is done relatively quickly, I can see things like "on this encounter there is a huge mana drain & silence - all dps swap to melee classes" or permutations there of.
  2. Szilent Augur

    Being "Not A Bard" for chain AE stunning Zelnithak feels worth the price of entry!
    Zunnoab likes this.
  3. tsiawdroi TittyGOAT

    Does this mean, i'll get to finally get to use all the cool 1h ornaments on my "main" toon? Rather than leveling a toon from scratch and then putting said ornaments in shared bank- I Can just click a personna to go from tsiawd to mommyrankkel?
  4. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Persona / person does mean:

    1. Disguise of the actor by talking through a mask
    2. Playing a figure

    code-zero likes this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Thats me out, I'm not paying for a slot when I have real alts I can play. :rolleyes:
    Lujack Dhrakoth likes this.
  6. Tucoh Augur

    If it's what it looks like, it's going to be a tough choice between staying with the Shadowknight I rolled last year or my warrior I've had for decades that would use a Shadowknight persona. They're on different accounts which I'm guessing doesn't matter.

    This will make me much more likely to invest in my boxes, since I'm not one balance patch away from abandoning them if I can easily change them up. I'm guessing we're due for another tradeskill item like the Rallos Zek earring.
    code-zero and Szilent like this.
  7. Tucoh Augur

    I doubt it was intentionally an alternative, but if it works like a class-change it does change the way that class balancing impacts the game. Players can mitigate a languishing class, but the game's class distribution will change more aggressively. Getting more ideal class composition on raids will become easier, while loot contention will change due to people wanting to gear up their personas in addition to or instead of any alts.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  8. Baeltor New Member

    Note the persona tab replaced the shroud tab.
    Lujack Dhrakoth likes this.
  9. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Should be a revamped shroud system then. I don't think that it is there to replace alts because that would be creepy.
  10. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Ironic since Berserkers are based off of Vikings, who are exclusively human
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  11. Tucoh Augur

    Beastlords are based off Halle Berry's character in John Wick.

    code-zero, Tarvas, bbanz and 2 others like this.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I don't see how they would let people switch while in combat or in cooldown. At the minimum they would make it require being in OOC if not in non combat zones.
  13. Silver-Crow Augur

    of course assuming each persona will need to have their own gear, this does open a can of worms on raid stuff and the current itemisation.

    player attends raid as main and loots gear/spells bought for dkp which is now sitting in inventory
    player persona switches and then uses loot on 'alt' instead of main.

    kind of destroys the main before alts thing, but i guess if you have the dkp....

    Also will raids on a persona apply lockouts on your main.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    It also has no slot for Kronos :) /cheer
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It is on the guild to track what players are looting and enforcing rules that enforce the idea of mains before alts or in this case personas.
    Tarvas likes this.
  16. alanus Augur

    That's my guess, too. Especially given the expansion being Laurion's Song, it could be like a story-mode like those Coldain monster missions were
  17. uberkingkong Augur

    You wasn't one of those in https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq...-it-up-a-bit-for-new-expansions.292864/page-5

    Were you?
    You have 12+ zones, plenty of stuff to do. They say. Really easy they say. A non issue they say.

    Difference between FFXIV and EQ is FFXIV getting to max level is 5% of the game. EQ getting to max level 70% of the game.
    Some people still not even max level, and been playing years.

    If anything this benefits, are the end game players.
    They don't do anything for the returners, newcomers.

    These personas are just timesinks for end game players, it doesn't benefit squat for newplayer/returner that have no mains at or near max and catching up.

    Personas is just another set of achievements for end game players that did pretty much everything. Now they can change every class have huge timesink of stuff to do. End game player only benefit. It's not like FFXIV where you can level to max easy, enjoy the game at end game easy.
    EQ takes years months to get to the end game
    FFXIV takes a week.

    Personas is nice feature, but again the visionaries of EQ missed their mark.
    You don't think newplayer/returner has made an alt, already has that class as an alt higher level.

    Now it may cause people to start at 1 and be in the lower levels leveling but this temprorary. Once everyone does it, the next years to follow, crickets in the lower levels. They done, everyone done.
    End game players obviously gonna box PL their way to max, its not going to benefit the level issue on Live, 85 to end game.
    Band aid.

    Nothing benefiting for returners nothing for newplayers.

    However, Monster Missions approach, this lets everyone play with everyone hence OMM was a success. So if its shroud system, MM heavy expansion, that does benefit newplayers/returners. 3 boxers actually room now, 3 extra spots.
    Lujack Dhrakoth likes this.
  18. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I could see swapping to a wizard or druid for ports then switch back when I get there.
    Ozon, Skuz, B0HICA and 2 others like this.
  19. Burdi Augur

    If the new persona features involve that you need to relevel your character.
    Then it is giving a reason to seasoned players to revisit old content.
    New players may have more folks to group with, because seasoned players have an incentive to level their persona.
    There are a lot of if , but it might indeed help new players to find folks to start with.
    That reminds me a bit DDO reincarnation feature.
    I am really looking forward to this persona feature, whatever it is.
    Swiss and Skuz like this.
  20. uberkingkong Augur

    In FFXIV it doesn't take months to years to get to max level
    In FFXIV it does not have half the Live servers boxing

    This is just like telling people put effort into finding groups.
    Those people are not gonna take their time with personas, theres no argument the other way around too. So you go over probability.

    Box heavy, self PL heavy Live servers, those end game players are not gonna be around at those low levels for long for those returners and newplayers that trickle in at random times.

    a year from now, now how is it for newplayers retuners?

    Band aid fix if that is there thinking.

    Shroud system, shroud MMs, good rewards, good xp gains. This is something beneficial for everyone.
    Not an end game player bored and needs more timesinks thing.