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Allow the 40 slot bag purchases once per server, not once per account

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ellis, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. Ellis Elder

    I have the current 40 slot bag package on Oakwynd, but I don't understand why I shouldn't be able to purchase it for the upcoming server too. The fact that I bought it for Oakwynd should have no relevance whatsoever for my characters on Teek. Before ever dinging level 2, some players will have access to far more inventory space than others. It doesn't make sense. Why don't you want our money?
    Just let people buy the packages multiple times, but only claim them once per server.
  2. Wonroc New Member

    Is the bag purchase not permitted on the new teek server or just that you claimed one already?
  3. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    I don't believe the claims system is capable of restricting claim functionality based on whether an item has already been claimed on a server.

    Now why exactly they don't want you to purchase as many 40 slot bags as you would like and generate additional revenue I couldn't tell you. Probably some last vestige effort at "preserving" classic EQ but let's keep it real that ship has sailed as far as bags are concerned. It would even be less work for them every year as they wouldn't have to "create" a new bag and itemID for each new set of servers.
    Ellis and MasterMagnus like this.
  4. Doze Augur

    This will never happen, since it* would mean that the more bagpacks that people had already purchased the less likely they would be to ever purchase more of them.

    However, the Fippy Fest Swag Bag should definitely be changed to be claimable once per server.
  5. TheDohn Augur

    At $50, it needs to be a 999. Not a 1.
    MustardonWatermelon and Doze like this.
  6. Doze Augur

    I agree, but I don't think we will ever see 999 for bags again.
    However, it might just be possible to convince DPG to change this particular bag (Fippy) to being 1 per server.
    I am not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen though (but I also won't invest in it until it does).
  7. Zansobar Augur

    Why? The normal 40 slot bag pack is like $35 for 2 bags, so why should you get 999 better bags for only 50% more? You do realize the game needs money to operate, the more they make the better chance the game will get a more modernized interface and other improvements?
  8. Dirkman Journeyman

    Why not just make these bags not lore... let people buy as many as they want.
  9. Dirkman Journeyman

    Also make 40 slot trader bags so when you list items in the bazaar you are not so limited
    fransisco, Exmortis_MT and Doze like this.
  10. Raytheon Augur

    Honestly it could easily be once per character instead of once per server. They already have it coded where you can't claim the same thing more than one time on the same character.
  11. TheDohn Augur

    They're not going to sell less of them if it's lore. They already limit this to only being sold once. They limit the other bags to once per server.

    It'd just be better value for money. That's not a bad thing. If anything, the higher value would drive more sales to this item - which is more expensive than the lower priced/lower value item.
  12. Exmortis_MT Augur

    Little off topic but, when does the trade skill bag become purchasable with DBC?
  13. Ellis Elder

    They could just let you buy it multiple times, it doesn't have to be a "buy once then claim once per server". I'd rebuy it. That's more $ for them. I'm sure a ton of people would. But it's dumb that on a fresh server some people will have access to it, and some won't even if they're willing to pay.
  14. fransisco Augur

    I'm glad its not this way. While tlp is 100x easier than original, you still get an idea of the progression. Low str, limited bag space, dealing with item weight, these were all parts of the original game.

    Instaed of starting with BIS bags, you can work to upgrade them over time. Make those 10 slot backpacks, get the dragon dropped bags, ect.
  15. Tintaglia Augur

    How does bag space equate to easiness of a TLP experience? Why do all the grognards want to make things difficult for everybody else?
  16. Overmedium Journeyman

    Typically they release a new bag with the launch of a new TLP... I suspect this will be the case for Teek and the empty server.
  17. Smallhands Elder

    Yeah I'm not touching the $50 Fippy bags. I generally buy the 2 new bags per server.

    I'm thinking though, I seem to recall some of the bags I bought in the past were of the 999 variety, and some weren't, though I can't remember which and why. May be some came with the actual expansion versus buying on the Everquest Packs page or something? I don't remember.

    Anyways, I would think more people would be inclined to buy more bags for the Teek server if they were non lore, since Teek will be free trade and all. I mean I certainly would buy more of the 40+ slot bags at the current prices for at least 1 character, and I generally box a couple toons.
  18. fransisco Augur

    same thing could be asked about camping gear or grinding AA. Its stuff you do to advance your character
  19. Tintaglia Augur

    The set listed to the right has the 999 count bags.

    Me whipping out the ol' charge card to buy additional storage is then, by your definition, advancing my character. Being forced to wait until an arbitrary point on a timeline to access additional storage space - which has for a fact NEVER broken the game for anyone - is not advancing, it's enforcing a time gate.
  20. fransisco Augur

    I think we're mixing things. I'm not talking about paying for bags. I'm referring to how you can upgrade them through gameplay. If you must have instant BIS and will pay RL money for them, thats up to you. No one is making you do that.
    However giving away free bags is a bad idea