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All Physical Store Purchases: Heirloom

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Posting this for a friend. When Thornblade first launched my small group of friends decided we were going to be X classes. A few of us had bout 2 to 4 of the backpack sets with the accompanying potions, rez tokens, etc. We claimed our bags and got to playing. Shortly in she realized we needed a tank and made a hybrid tank. Fast forward to today and she has that baby character she will never play with something like 10+ exp pots sitting there. I feel it is very...very unfair that those items are locked to that one character when it was purchased with the account.

    Why are these exp pots, alacrity pots, clarity pots stuck on that character and not tradeable within the account? It's not like you can give them to other people. The bags can be used by any character and I think even the rez tokens can.

    How many times has someone claimed their DB monthly points accidently on a mule and had those potions stuck there?

    Anything "physical" purchased from the store should be freely tradeable with characters on the same account. There is no reason they should be stuck on one character.
  2. Demetri Augur

    Technically those aren't the purchased ones - they're the ones from promos and such that are not Heirloom for some odd reason. All the purchased ones will be Heirloom that are tradable across the same account - but for some reason the exact same items have different versions that are character specific with NODROP (even on Free-Trade!) rather than HEIRLOOM that come tied in with the Fez Promo and most if not all of the xpac bonuses, etc.
  3. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Because years ago people exploited Gift of Lost Legacies.

    All marketplace and LoN items were heirloom when heirloom was introduced, as were all claimable items.

    Then people exploited, the GoLL was available once per character, you had 999 on your account, they include 5 exp potions. People made a level 1, claimed it, transferred to shared bank, deleted character, and repeated, to get thousands of exp potions.

    ALL heirloom was removed from game for months in an emergency patch, and things were only added back slowly on an individual basis. It took like 6 months just to get LoN illusions back to heirloom. They decided to leave all exp potions and looks like many other potions without it.
    -----Cinexa----- and Demetri like this.
  4. Celestian Elder

    There are some heirloom XP pots. Mostly likely you mean "bundled" versions.
    Demetri likes this.
  5. Duckforceone Lord of the Ducks

    yeah i would appreciate that... mana potions on a warrior.. or haste potions on a caster... or just xp potions on max level characters...

    also, can we just get all the illusions into the tlp stores, so that people can spend more money on them before they leave the new servers?
    Skuz likes this.