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Agnarr Server Transfer Choices not showing

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Brildon, Oct 31, 2023.

  1. Brildon Augur

    Trying to transfer a toon from Agnarr to Thornblade.

    Currently Yelinak, Vaniki, Mischief, and Thornblade all do not show up on the server transfer token from Agnarr.

    I don't see anything on the rulesets that should prevent from Agnarr to these servers, guessing these connections never just got turned on.
    Barton, Soulwettle and Krydee like this.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

  3. Brildon Augur

    It's fairly well known that list is not up to date. As you can see below it was needed to be reported for Aradune to be added to the transfer list as well when it passed Agnarr in xpacks

    Server transfers are supposed to be enabled to go to servers further in progression as long as the server you are transferring from isn't less restrictive
    (Ie can't transfer from free trade to non-free trade)

  4. Herf Augur

    Welcomt to the Hotel Agnarr :)
