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Advice on Druid Spell/AA Setup

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Akirrah, Nov 8, 2018.

  1. Akirrah Journeyman

    Heya all I had played a druid from about 2000 until PoP went fabled and have returned a few months ago. The druid is my main and i also play a mage and an ench to do group content. I usually pull with the druid and use the EQ built in macros for the mage and ench.

    My question is what 13 spells do you think I should use? I will list what I currently use and explain a little how I play

    1. Lunasalve ..... 2. Curaida.........3. Resurgence.........4. Adrenaline Barrage........5. Nature's Quiescense.......6. Horde of Polybiads........7. Nature's Blistering Wrath.....8. Sunflame........9. Summer Sunflame........10. Winter's Wildblaze............11. Cyclonic Roar.........12. Frostreave Aura.......13. Twincast

    So for my playstyle, I pull with my druid using the blessing of ro AA....bring the mob back to the mage and enc, enage the mob, .... lay dots ( usually NBW and SF, I add Horde for named ) and then swap to enc, mage hit 2nd macro .... then back to the druid and cast a few dd nukes to finish the mob off. I mostly let healer mercs do the healing but I like to have heals available for emergencies

    Is there anything that you all think I should be using that I am not? I used to use DW but found that it does not get affected by a lot of my grp damage modifiers. Should I drop sunflame and add a 2nd roar ?

    Thoughts ?

    Akirrah Auslander
  2. Daylenar New Member

    I run less heals (always Vida and then Luna and/or Adrenaline depending what I’m doing). If I was more often dedicated healer with no merc healer up I would probably always have at least three heals up but I usually play with a merc around and/or my brother has his shaman in the group.

    I always keep plunging hail up, when I checked it appeared to be be more mana efficient than “normal” DDs, even on a single mob where it hits twice. Rarely have fire DD memmed unless the mobs resist cold/magic a lot and then it takes the place of either winters or roar, same happens the other way around for cold DD. I don’t have katabatic roar yet so that doesn’t factor in for me. This all changes a lot when I’m swarming easy content in which case I have both targeted AoEs up. If I know a namer or something is gonna be a long fight I’ll swap in some other DoTs and debuffs.

    For AA I start with Ro, then I have two macros for dps: one for short recast grinding dps and the other is the big boys like nature’s fury. So I’ll hit the grind dps button every few minutes to keep wolf and focus arcanum and stuff up, and then namers I’ll hit the other one. Seasons wrath kinda falls in between due to fast recast so it’s just it’s own button. All my defensive type stuff are their own buttons as well. I use storm strike or fire storm in between spell casts (fire storm unless high fire resists). Remote flux buff, whatever that was called, I use whenever it’s up unless I wanna save it for a tough mob. Wrath of the Wild constantly stick to tank (do it between spell casts a lot of the time).

    I just got back into game a couple months ago after a six year break, but this has been working well for me. I haven’t started boxing yet but want to get an enchanter going so I might have to reassess my setup and especially macros.