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Adventurer perk broken?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, May 26, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Decided I'd try a perk as I don't think they existed last TLP I played on. After purchase and relogging I noticed that while I do get a "bonus" message with coin indicating I am getting bonus loot....I am *not* getting any sort of exp bonus or bonus message like when an exp event is going "You gain experience (with a bonus)"

    Am I getting bonus exp 5% like the perk I purchased said, or...is this like false advertising? No where in the menu does it say "does not apply to TLP" or anything along those lines.
  2. Appren Gnomercy

    You dont get a bonus message, it should be working though. I know for sure the other perks work, like not losing a level, or increased bag slots. (Mischief)
  3. Zinkeh Augur

    Good to know, I suppose, thanks :) Just seems odd you get a message indicating the perk is giving the bonus coin but not the exp, similar to when an exp bonus weekend is on.
  4. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    I think that's exactly why you don't get that message. Same as when using a potion or Lesson.