Advanced Loot Window (requested feature)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Smallpox, May 14, 2015.

  1. Smallpox Augur


    When item(s) are flagged as Free Grab, make them automatically fall off AdvLoot list after a minute if nobody wants them (and remember that for subsequent same items). Currently the item sits in the list forever unless the master looter manually flags each of them as Leave On Corpse.

    This is very aggravating as the master looter to have to keep flagging the same items Leave on Corpse over and over and over when no-one in the group wants particular drops (ie: quest items, etc).
    guado likes this.
  2. guado Augur

    Sounds excellent. I hate accidentally hitting "Leave on Corpse" only to have to wait 15 minutes for it to unlock.
    Smallpox likes this.