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Advanced Lighting

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Zinkeh, Jul 13, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Here's a weird one for you all, lol.

    My computer is a good 13 years old and has seen a ton of use. I'm having some weird lighting issues in eq when randomly on login the gamma is pretty dark. The gamma slider doesn't seem to do anything nor does enable desktop gamma. If i click the increase windowed gamma sometimes it brightens things up but right now it doesn't do anything.

    The really really weird thing is if i click use advanced lighting it gets bright as all hell and there is a fairly loud "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE" coming from ...I assume... my video card, haha. Enable it, EEEEEEEEEEEEE, disable it, quiet. Repeat.

    Weirdest thing ever.
  2. Metanis Bad Company

    Not weird at all, failing capacitors on your graphics card can cause this. Caps would normally "filter" out the square wave output from the voltage regulators, but bad capacitors result in the voltage regulators acting as high frequency oscillators.

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