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Add a 3rd TLP to save EQ

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, Apr 17, 2022.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    You don't need to reinvent the wheel. You only need a few minor changes and that would get people really excited about this new TLP round of servers and not going back to WoW for housing, all it needs is :

    1. Free trade
    2. Random loot (Could be less items per boss or same as mischief)
    3. Make all mobs have a chance to drop a level appropriate rare mob item. (Make it low % like cards in RO. 0.01% or something.)
    4. Bags
    5. Either a bit more exp or a bit slower exp release.
    6. ????
    7. Profit

    It's not rocket science it's just that easy. Please DBG. Thank you.
  2. Pizzanomicon Apparently from Grobb

    No one is going to choose extra wow play time just because of player housing lmao. Like I know some people are really into that stuff, but I highly doubt those players are playing ancient mmorpgs like Everquest.
    rangerous and Ponter like this.
  3. JustAnotherOpinion Augur

  4. Legends Elder

    PVP or even FREE TRADE, just something different. These 2 servers aint it.

    Vaniki is fun but with how fast it unlocks will be a ghost town faster then most servers with just one or two guilds playing on.

    The free trade cat is out of the bag and the I think a normal TLP free-trade server should be tested to see its popularity. Without free-trade or something cool I just don't see people leaving Mischief, but I guess we'll see soon enough. How sad is it the best thing about Yelinak is true box relaxed, a feature that all TLPs should just have at certain points.
    HekkHekkHekk likes this.
  5. rangerous Elder

    Bad idea that gets completely discredited by mentioning wow housing being correlated to EQ TLP server success. lmao

    If you like Mischief so much and think its greater than regular EQ go play on it its not even a year old and your both bored of it and also suggesting another one would be great when it cant even hold your interest for a single year.
    Shuey and Dragon Jockey like this.
  6. Lamberduim Elder

    No thanks I don't like the game past pop regardless of ruleset.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Aeonblade, rangerous and Triconix like this.
  8. Rounlin Best Pizza in Norrath!

    what wow housing are you speaking of?
  9. HekkHekkHekk Augur

  10. Lamberduim Elder

    No thanks, dead server
  11. Barder-mangler Augur

    Solid idea for next year. I generally agree that Free Trade should be the standard going forward, the supposed "negatives" for implementing it never came to fruition. It's more QOL at this point than anything. Regardless, I'm playing on Vaniki and looking forward to it, Free Trade or not.