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About the new TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, Jan 21, 2022.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    I know this will be met with skepticism, but I do know some people who work for daybreak, who gave me a run down of things.

    Alot of what they talked about was the new expansion and I'll be honest, I didn't really pay attention and tuned them out while playing escape from tarkov.

    But when they started talking on disc about the new tlp servers, I listened.

    Apparently it's gonna be the same ruleset of mischief, lower exp but haven't decided on box yet. The thing that was most interesting was trying to release all race/class combinations in classic. So still no zerkers right away, but you can make a halfling ranger right away type of thing. Right now they are just trying to go through all items and quests to make sure they don't overlook anything game breaking.

    2 servers of course, though they won't be identical. One will be a little different then the other in terms of box or exp or something.

    Also they are thinking of adding a 3rd bag instead of just the 2 lol.

    OK that's it
    Skuz likes this.
  2. HekkHekkHekk Augur

    So frogloks?
  3. Lamberduim Elder

    No I think races are still released with their exp. Could be wrong.
  4. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Hopefully not, this feels very uninspired.
    wade_watts and Herf like this.
  5. HekkHekkHekk Augur

  6. Soulsiphon Elder

    I'd like a fresh start Mischief server as I didn't get to play on Mischief until luclin. However lower xp just sucks especially with 8 week expansions. If they increase the expansion time to 16 weeks, I would be ok with the lower xp.
    wade_watts likes this.
  7. YourJobNotYourLife Elder

    I definitely 100% believe this LARP.
    Catalina likes this.
  8. Nighthawk Lorekeeper

    I mean, I wouldn't be mad if the above was true. I'd play, but wouldn't be thrilled with lower xp.
  9. Lumiens Augur

    I really can't see them doing slower exp ever again due to how Corinav turned out.
    wade_watts, Siah, jeskola and 2 others like this.
  10. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    Wow, I was listening to them on Disc too.

    You forgot to mention each player starts with 50 Krono and a Cloak of Flames.
    Siah, Skuz and Gheed like this.
  11. Gheed Augur

    Did they have their annual meeting in the Walmart discord server?
  12. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Well, you have certainly piqued my scepticism.
  13. HekkHekkHekk Augur

    Skuz is here everyone. Thank goodness!
    Skuz likes this.
  14. Corydon Augur

    I believe every single word you typed and I never lie.
  15. Herf Augur

    It's what DP does best.
  16. Appren Gnomercy

    Not that I put much faith in "I know someone...", but a TLP with slower XP? Would be dead on arrival for me, no matter what the other rules are :(
  17. coltongrundy Augur

    Ew I hope not.

    Would be a big let down to follow up the most innovative TLP with just a slower exp clone just with halfling rangers and gnome shadow knights.
  18. Zansobar Augur

    It depends on how much slower the xp...but yeah that is not really something people are clamoring for.
    Vindar and Nighthawk like this.