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AB Server DOWN

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Big Si, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. Big Si New Member

    Wonder if anyone knows AB Server is down.................
  2. zhay Journeyman

    up for 1 min - then down again ...

  3. Paradisic_parasite Elder

    Dude, where's my server.
  4. sekkyng New Member

  5. Wulerdar Gnome Slayer

    that feel when you kill so many robot gnomes it crashes the server =(
  6. sekkyng New Member

    Could someone explain why it is blocked and for how long?
  7. Varillian Singer of Bad Songs

    It's AB - the question is rather: Will the server ever come online again?
  8. sekkyng New Member

  9. sekkyng New Member

  10. Claudi Elder

    actually I would prefer a 2 weeks downtime for AB after the Anniversary Event so they can copy AB to a new VM instead of having these troubles all the time. Just give the players 1 month free to play for it or 1 Krono or whatever.
  11. sekkyng New Member

    o you pay for me the access I pay monthly?
    I have 3 accounts with all access paid.
    with that alone is not enough.
  12. douxreve Elder

    DB could give AB 3 days double xp... 11 hours down now, one raid day less.
    Ca me gonfle, et sérieux!
  13. PaulieIrish Journeyman

    I resubbed 3 accounts yesterday, figuring i'd play all day today which is a bank holiday here in Ireland.

    Great timing , and not a word of update all day from daybreak
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Guilds are due to raid very very soon!

    Worth hanging on for the server to come up, or time to hit the pub?
    CatShaman likes this.
  15. smash Augur

    Maybe something might happen now, since it has been upgraded from a potential network issue to a:
    We are currently working on an issue with network connectivity to Antonius Bayle.
  16. tanith Augur

    At the risk of celebrating the 20th anniversary by repeating what I've been saying for 20 years....
    some information in these situations would be a really really good thing
    Yinla likes this.
  17. Ravenclaws New Member

    They seem much more interested in their new servers. At least the devs post about those.
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    We don't have enough threads on our issue!
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    What does that mean exactly?

    Network gone down in Netherlands?
    Someone cut a wire?
    Some big machinery broke a cable?
    Someone forgot to pay the bill?
    Someone spilt rum all over it?
    Mangler chased the hamster and they now can't find it?

    Or is it like my stupid printer when it decides its not going to talk to the computer until I turn they both off and on again!

    Or something else?

    Inquireing mind wants to know.
  20. Roxxlyy Augur

    EU servers were knocked offline by a power outage at the data center - while power has been restored, some of the processes were affected. Things are being brought back up now, but there is no ETA available.