A Wizard's note to the Devs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Critts, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Critts Augur

    With the changes to the Wizard Force of line I was wondering if the development team would please fix the Dichotomic. This spell still eats two Arcane, frenzied, or sustained tics even tho it isn't twin cast. I know the reason it does this, but frankly it's a pain. Could you also make it damage Modable with abilities like Second spire, IoG, Glyphs, and Etc. I can understand not letting it work with the Enchanter ability for wizard spells. It would also be nice if it twin cast just do t let it take 4 tics lol.
    disgruntled likes this.
  2. Critts Augur

  3. Sancus Augur

    Crit damage abilities (like IoG, Second Spire, etc) do modify it.
  4. Critts Augur

    Sweet so let's get Twincast moving along.