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a supply chest missing Obscured Heroic Reflections parts ?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Drewie, Apr 22, 2024.

  1. Drewie Augur

    So far, after completing this raid many times with my guild, I noticed that the chest from The Artisan And The Druid only had Arms and Wrist parts, never any of the 5 others. Maybe it's bad RNG or maybe the other ones are actually missing from the chest loot list ?
    GameKiller and Fenthen like this.
  2. Drewie Augur

    And again today, 1 Arms and 1 Wrist in chest.
  3. Drewie Augur

    Two Arms in chest today.
  4. Fenthen Well, that's that...


    We had T1 arms, T1 wrist, T2 arms from that chest tonight. I never noticed the pattern.

    Wish a T3 event could cough up some BPs though and not just bracers.
  5. Drewie Augur

    1 Arms and 1 Wrist in chest today. I see a pattern.
  6. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    Drewie likes this.
  7. Drewie Augur

    Well today we got Arms (again) and ... Legs. Maybe something about the distribution isn't right among the 7 parts, since the Arms seem to be predominant ?