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A quick hello from a newcomer

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Graodann, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Graodann New Member

    Dear ladies and gents,

    I started playing this wonderful game yesterday. My main will be a beastlord as I love the micromanagement of pets and being a jack-of-all-trades.
    I decided to go all access once the login server issue is fixed. I am eu based and I know Antonius Bayle is the EU server but I also read somewhere that it is a low population server hence I would be better off choosing a higher populated server. As I am new and have a zillion of questions (understatement) I am also looking for a newcomer friendly guild.
    Any tips on which server would be best for a newcomer?

    Thanks upfront.
    Have a great day!

  2. Diptera Augur

    Welcome to Norrath :)

    No idea about server population, but if you decide to play on AB, I'm usually on my chanter, Cistinne - feel free to tap me for buffs :)
  3. Borek-VS Augur

    AB isn't a low population server, it just isn't a high population server. Having said that, population during peak EU times (evenings) is healthy (averages around medium). At their peak times, the top US servers have slightly higher populations, but there's not much in it.
  4. Inictus Elder

    Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay!
  5. Graodann New Member

    Thanks for the welcome guys.
    I tried the tutorial yesterday but even with a merc my damage is bad and killing mobs seems to take forever. Any tips/pointers as to what I could be doing wrong?

  6. Borek-VS Augur

    Yes - switch to a tank merc. Expect kills to take 30secs to a minute at worst (although some of the bosses in there can take several minutes if you are relatively low level).
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Go to the main EQ page at Everquest.com and check the right hand side showing the servers during your normal play times. It shows the relative size of player populations. Its important to check during your play times... having a high population server that is sleeping when you play won't help you.
  8. Sneaksta Journeyman

    If you decide to use a US server, Bristlebane is friendly, and I rarely have trouble finding groups or activities in the midnight to 6am timeframe in us CST.( Which is my usual playtime) Check it out. Pretty solid population, and friendly. :)
  9. Melodya Journeyman

    Come to Vox and join us! :)