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6 box crews on mangler

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by enchanter, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. enchanter New Member

    looking to take down some content with a few others that box on mangler if your intrested send me a message :)
  2. Icetech Lorekeeper

    Isn't mangler a non boxing server? The main reason i came back was to play non-boxing like p1999...
  3. Bullsnooze Augur

    It's a true-box server, which is supposed to mean you need a physical computer for each character.
  4. mark Augur

    so many people box on p 1999 its not a joke
  5. Kalipto Augur

    You're not supposed to "box" on Mangler. But lots of people still do. In fact some of the top guilds are full of boxers. And they're not "True boxing" they're using 3rd party tools to control their characters. If you're into that sort of thing, look up the EU mangler guild.
  6. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Careful, you could be reported for this baseless and unproven accusation.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    Huh? Where'd you get that nonsense?
  8. Kalipto Augur

    Huh? I'm not accusing anyone specifically just an EU guild on Mangler. Not sure what kind of proof you want but I guess I can do some screen recording on one of the raids. Though even that isn't enough for DB. So it doesn't really matter.

    I've seen people put quotes around a word, like "box", to indicate it has a different meaning than the word would traditionally represent. I thought that was common usage of quotes. I guess not.
  9. Bullsnooze Augur

    A 'box' is just another word for a computer or server; be it physical or virtual. It even extends into microservices (App Services) these days. For example, when I spin up a test machine in Azure to deploy code for work, I'll often call it a 'box' to my peers. I.E.: "Hey Steve, I have the 'box' ready for the new API pipeline". (It's a bit more detailed than that, but you probably get the gist.)

    It's the same idea with EverQuest, it's just becoming interchangeable within the community. In terms of rules, Darkpaw means a physical box controlled by means of a mouse and keyboard that is connected to it.
  10. Accipiter Old Timer

    You can play as many as you want on Mangler as long as it's one physical PC per player.
  11. Xenich Elder

    I find it amusing how they claim "true box", as if people are required to have a physical box. Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of networking and VMs can bypass their attempts to detect it. The are banking on people being incredibly stupid which is why it runs rampant on all the servers.
  12. Zinth Augur

    even more fun when people think "true-box" means people are NOT allowed to box... it only means they have to use 1 PC per game session running instead of running multiple games on the same pc... it has nothing to do with 3rd party software or anything... they should just drop the truebox BS and instead actively enforce rules against people using the program that uses the same letters as Multi Quest.

    just like having to be online to use the bazaar (it took them ages to fix an offline mode which would have been common sense in all other games) and it's a waste of power having to use multiple PC's just because you want to box... and it should be frowned upon to "force" people to use more power in this day and era where all they can do is whine about climate change and CO2 and all that yada yada...

    having to use multiple machines doesn't stop boxers... I sit here with 3 machines... I used to 5-6 box (not super effeciently) but now I can make do with 3 (even easier now with mercs) and if I click buttons on one keyboard another doesn't change anything... I will still box... and the "true-box/no box hysterics" will still whine about it
  13. Icetech Lorekeeper

    I think the whining is justified though... Grouping and social interaction is the one thing that really made EQ amazing.... and mercs and boxing killed grouping almost totally.. Why play a mmo to play alone? And it's everyones choice how they wish to play but when it kills the heart of a game..

    I just came back to a tlp server 2 days ago and it has really been awesome.. people working together and groups going on all over the place. I came from xegony where the best chance of a group is "I'm boxing 4 toons.. you can join if you want"
  14. Zinth Augur

    wrong, grouping was dead before SoD, and it repeated on the TLP servers that made it that far too

    people will group with their friends and people they met early game, the further you get in the game the more those are set in place, that won't change if you forbid boxing, people still won't group with you if they don't know/like you, let them play THEIR way and you can play YOUR way, simple as that and I grouped with boxers too in classic and Kunark and so on, and I box as well... but if ppl were A-holes they would get booted and never invited again, if they couldn't figure out how to play and wouldn't take advice, the same happened... and that's not being elitist but if people ruin your fun, don't hang with them.
  15. tylersbackalright Journeyman

    Man it's ridiculous that 99% of players still don't get it. "The program" is not what's causing 99% of your "active hacks" on TLPS. Go read the 32 page thread about this on the forums and educate yourselves ffs. There's a NEW program that's been causing all this trouble. There's more than 1 program now, and the big offender is the new one. If you're going to talk about this stuff, at least bother to educate yourselves with a basic google search and reading of the forums on the issue first.

    The name of the thread is "Regarding Third Party Cheat Programs" 32 pages have fun.
  16. Zinth Augur

    I know the program, same people behind it that made the other one and it has two parts of it... the macroing.... and the boxing, you can use the boxing one without the macroing and I used to too instead of WinEQ because nice pic-in-pic on the same pc, but still tabbed between my chars... there is also som blood colored wizard out there running a rip-off of the before mentioned original one and there is prolly more because I haven't kept up because I had no need to, that part never interested me, I was just interested in boxing my stuff on one machine clicking my hotbuttons and chilling

    so yeah I don't need to "edumacate" myself thank you very much... if it is one or another macroing program doesn't really matter, they break the rules, where as boxing does not break the rules...

    and when people "whine" about boxers and want "true-box" and "no-box" servers they don't stop people from running EQ on multiple machines... what they WANT actually stopped is the stuff I mentioned, but they are apparently too daft to understand such simple matters and maybe they should edumacate themselves on the google so they know what it is they really want right?
  17. Finchy Augur

    everything you said was accurate until the last sentence. There is no specifications on if needing a mouse and keyboard per box is required, and when asking specifically about this, no response was given. So to me that means programs that allows mouse and keyboards to work across multiple boxes is acceptable.

    What people tend to forget is the automation piece. as long as you are controlling the character actions DPGs typically doesn't care about what it is you are doing or how you are doing it.

    Let's not forget the thread that is now closed that explains software outside of EQ is allowed as long as it does not use in game windows to provide an advantage :)
  18. tylersbackalright Journeyman

    naw not trying to disparage you. Just pointing out that the problem is completely out of control at this point. There is an IMG floating around on the internet that showed 1 person controlling 100 toons in sirens grotto on Selos last year. it got censored of course, and you cant repost it into their forums now lulz
  19. Botlhan New Member

    if this refers to Europa Mangler then you can send screen shots or videos to Raato (leader) or ask for any officer in game
    we take cheating serious and it is not tolerated within Europa

    we do have six boxers I six box my self but I can ensure you its True boxing we even have a section on our forums where people have posted there 6 box set ups