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5 days until Early April

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dmitry, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. Dmitry Elder

    I feel like early April ends April 3. After that is regular April.
    Haeldar, Lineater and Jasper Wiz like this.
  2. Bobbasta New Member

    That's a pretty narrow definition! I would say April 15th...
    Barton and minimind like this.
  3. jeskola pheerie

    Rumor has it server will be a P99 clone, they bought them out
  4. Dmitry Elder

    Oh my god no. That is mid to late April.
  5. Barton The Mischievous

    Ya im betting they mean any day before mid April(15th) is early April
  6. Jasper Wiz Journeyman


    1st thru 9th = Early April
    10th thru 19th = Mid April
    20th thru 30th = Late April

    They could throw us a bone and just announce this thing already too... o_O
    Ruhi and Indigo_Quarmite like this.
  7. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    You people have no concept of time. Early April has always occurred in late March.
    Haeldar likes this.
  8. Cildar Journeyman

    EXACTLY! If you get there "EARLY" for the meeting, then you got there BEFORE the meeting... hence if you are EARLY APRIL.. you are BEFORE APRIL. Hence they are already late the announcement.
  9. Wulfgard New Member

    Unless you are on island time, then early April is any time after April 20 but before June.
    Sanduleak likes this.
  10. Lineater Augur

    Pvp full loot server with CRs announcement on April 1st.
  11. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    This is the way.

    I expect something next Wednesday.
  12. Moforyguy12345 Augur

    They wouldn't ever announce until the next month has started because they want 1 more month of monthly subs from other servers. If its a really good TLP coming out some people might not resub until it launches.
  13. minimind The Village Idiot

    Hot-take: These are ranges and there is overlap. If people didn't want overlap, they'd give an explicit deadline.
    • 1st-15th = "Early" is synonymous with "first half of"
    • 10th-20th = "Mid" is synonymous with "the 15th give or take 5 days"
    • 16th-31st = "Late" is synonymous with "last half of"
    Manage your expectations. Assume that it could be as late as the 15th... and don't be surprised if it's later.
    Barton likes this.
  14. MischiefTLP Augur

    Last patch included revamped zones in random loot, new server has random group loot.
  15. Rcbauer Augur

  16. MischiefTLP Augur

    Cazic Thule zone loot was previously only from Cazic Thule, from the same mob as Live servers and not double loot. Same with Jaggedpine, Plane of Hate, Veksar, Jaggedpine and a few other zones. For fixing this to make it to the top of priority list the most likely explanation is the new server is random group loot, not that they suddenly decided after 16 months to make it harder to camp specific clicks from CT.
  17. Court Elder

    They released info about the TLPs on Friday, April 8th 2022. Most likely, we will see them release it again on Friday, April 8th 2023 since it falls on the same day this year.

    Releasing on a Friday allows a full weekend of feedback based on the announcement, and TLP rule sets have been changed in the past due to the response.
  18. Cildar Journeyman

    This is the most kiss apologist response i have ever heard. Do you think they are gonna give you like nine krono cause you are kissing their ? NOL they weill just abuse you and personally not tell YOU until May 1. Stop sucking up to the MAN and start putting some pressure on..

    EARLY APRIL IS APRIL1 and maybe 2. Your version is like being in the EQ friendzone.
  19. Ruhi Augur

    it'll be april 1st, and when the forum warriors come with pitchforks about the rules - they'll say "april fool's"
  20. Rusery New Member

    Yeah, everyone, lets put the "pressure" on them! Boycott the servers! Tellem how we really feel here on the forums!! REEEEEEEE!

    In any case, you've all probably waited a while, and have done this 100 times before. Who cares when? You can't be itching that badly to hop back in, surely. /aware
    minimind likes this.