4k monitor support?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by roth, Aug 24, 2018.

  1. roth Augur

    The game runs well with a 4k monitor, but is there any way that we can have the following for the default UI ::

    Adjustable sizes for the spell gems?
    /chatfontsize affecting the actual chat input line in windows?
    Adjustable text size for the inventory screen and related windows? The Bandolier?
    Adjustable text size for the Guild Tool?
    Adjustable size and text size for the self window, group window, target and target’s target windows, and Combat Abilities window?
    Adjustable buff sizes for the buff and song windows?
    Adjustable text size for hot bar button labels?
    Adjustable size and text size for the Actions window and all of its tabs?
    Adjustable size on confirmation windows (resurrection/bind point, TL confirmation, etc.)?
    Adjustable size graphics for the map window?
    Adjustable size text on the Options, Friends, Pet Info, Quest Journal, Expedition Window, Mailbox, Help, and Mercenary windows?

    Basically .. at this resolution, stuff gets TOO SMALL and the ability to increase the visibility of the UI elements would be very beneficial.
  2. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Imho, this should all be easily adjustable from within the game-options in any current computer game.

    DBG, really needs to update their UI-scaling.

    I hope you find a solution.
  3. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Ultra wide support would be great too, but based on the number of crashes I've had from the advanced loot system, I think UI and display updates are not going to be high on the list.
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart