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30th expansion raids NEED to be harder

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by uberkingkong, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    This is about T3 needs to be harder, the final raid needs to be harder.

    NoS pretty much everyone who really wanted to beat all of it day 1, beat it day 1.
    Too easy. Not just 1 raid, they beat all of T3 in day 1.

    The top 5 raid guilds they are leagues better than the 10 below them, the dev's do those nothing for the top 5, with these embarrassment raids.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Guilds who test the raids in beta have learned it and are not seeing them for the first time on day 1.
    Yinla, Ozon and Randomized like this.
  3. uberkingkong Augur

    Does not mean they are same difficulty as before.
    They have been too easy as of late.

    Lets look at PoR,
    Server Guild Recruiting Daosheen Suchun Sullon Zek Ayonae Ro
    Township Rebellion Yes 2006-02-25 2006-03-05 2006-04-27 2006-06-16
    4 months, 1 month to beat each one.

    other guilds
    Ring of Valor Yes 2006-05-05 2006-12-04 2006-12-03 2007-01-18
    3 months from the first one
    11 months

    Either guild could have seen the raid in beta.
    Would just mean it takes 2 more months for one of them to beat the final and the other guild 9 months, if they both went into beta.

    Point is, they are too easy now.
    If they allow you to beat it in beta? It's too easy.

    Took 4-11 months before.
    It's content to keep you busy.

    If you beat it in beta whats the purpose of doing it on Live? You already beat the game before the game even released.
    How is that a good stategy when several guilds beat the game before its even released?

    Make the raids harder, especially Tier 3.
    When everyone on day 1 who wants to beat the final raid, its not challenging. Your holding back the top 5 raid guilds.
  4. Randomized Augur

    Me thinks someone doesn't understand the point of beta testing nor how it really works
  5. Bilderov Augur

    The raids need to be at a level that keeps the raiders raiding, earning their gear and progressing without burnout. It's a tricky line to tread and does often require some 'smoothing' along the way.

    Most of the guilds will also be working on progression, gear and group content during that time as well. Once that is out of the way, the raiding is pretty much all they have so it has to keep them busy.

    When I used to raid back in Classic through to OOW, it wasn't unusual for us to max level, max gear and have raids on lockdown within a few months. At that point, many of my guild ONLY logged in to raid.
  6. Gorg00 Augur

    I always thought the T1, T2, T3 being "Easy, Medium, Hard" was kind of silly with the timed releases and equal gear from each tier we have now.

    It seems to me like it would be better to have an Easy, a Medium, and a Hard raid within each tier.

    That would mean that each tier release has something for varying levels of raid forces, rather than the first release having all of the "easy" content, and the last tier having none of it.
    Gindainy and FranktheBank like this.
  7. uberkingkong Augur

    T1 is ok for everyone
    T2 gut check for everyone
    T3 needs to be hard. Even harder.

    Simple. Harder does not mean unbeatable, it just means there is a challenge. Expect to be moving a lot, not no cakewalk. You gotta be paying attention, you gotta do your share.
    Not just bunch of people with 2 boxes 3 boxes and easy enough to box. If raid is easy enough to box in, it isn't challenging.

    Also, FFXIV they have raids and different tiers of them, different tiers.
    So you can do the end game raid on easymode or on ultimate.

    If your goal simply everyone can beat them, well make different versions of raids. Easyones for easy people. Ultimate for ultimate raid guilds.

    Step up if you want to beat the ultimate, quit giving everyone participation trophies.
    If people can box in the ultimate its not challenging enough the raid still easy. Even if they proclaim really good at boxing, always on point, EQ raids are too easy thats why they able to box in them.
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Harder doesn't mean that the top guilds can't beat it on day 1 after practicing it on beta.
  9. coltongrundy Augur

    too many people cry when its too hard
  10. uberkingkong Augur

    Yeah I'm just asking for T3, which is like 1 to 3 raids, not every raid.
    You could just have like FFXIV too, T3 raids on easy. T3 raids on ultimate.

    Everyone that whines everyone should be able to beat them, well you beat them on easy.
    Ultimate thats where the top 5 raid guilds shine, you gotta be good for that.

    FFXIV does raids better than EQ.

    Unfortunately, these dev's don't have a lot of time. Even though other dev's I know of, 15 games, built their own engine in 5.5 years. Best selling titles too. Oh and theres only 6 devs, that did it all.

    With EQ's current state, just make T3 harder simple. Struggling, you have 20% chance to beat it. Well its T3 for a reason. It's called a raid for a reason, suppose to be tough.
  11. Marton Augur

    Hello fine folks of Norrath, I swing by to inform you all (well mainly uber) that so far we have 7 new raids (out of 8 that are supposed to be in LS).

    Asking for difficult content when we barely have any content at all is quite silly.
  12. Thundersnake Elder

    I feel like you might be overlooking something rather significant with this. I would make a wild guess that the demographic that plays EQ and Elden Ring have very little crossover. I wonder if you've heard of the phrase if it's not broke don't fix it? I suspect a rather large backlash if raids suddenly got an order of magnitude harder. It would really suck if even 10% of the raiding population quit as a result of such changes.
  13. Thundersnake Elder

  14. Randomized Augur

    Still waiting to see Ubers raid parses to see his relevance in asking for raids to be harder.

    Life is so much easier when you're on the outside looking in
  15. Windance Augur

    I don't mind if they make a WTF hard raid that our guild can't beat.

    As long as its not tied to unlocking gear or progression.

    Its incredibly frustrating to have your class weapon(s) locked behind a raid your guild can't beat.

    Far to often the WTF hard raids have been in the middle of the expansion and made it impossible to do later raids due to raid progression.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  16. Windance Augur

    That describes the current raids. Especially ToL where people not moving would wipe the raid.

    Folks hated it.

    Because of how unstable EQ + ISP connections are ...

    There is nothing like going 20 minutes into Free the Goranga only to have someone go LD and wipe the raid. Yep. That's fun.

    This is more about how good the tools are that those people boxing are using.

    This is really odd coming from someone who was asking in a different thread for a "catch up expansion" and easy mode for group/solo play.
  17. uberkingkong Augur

    Dev's do not give in, into people crying about easier raids T3.
    There are people with their boxes full raid T3 geared NoS. Thats embarrassment when you have a box full NoS raid T3 geared too. In era.

    Believe it or not, EQ's value used to be about rare gear, gear is hard to get.

    But when people have their box full raid T3 geared, the raid T3 gear is a joke to get.

    Because raids T3 are too easy. They need to be harder.
    Make raids T3 harder. Make gear rare too. There used to be a thing called ultra rares, apparently ultra rares are only in classic EQ's Gold Edition.
    No such thing as tough to get gear when raids T3 are easy. Gear drops easy. Raid currency easy.

    If I want to play a game where I have the best gear after a year of the expansion or always in the best gear. I'll play GW2.
    I play EQ because of tough to get items, rare.

    When LS goes live, if people whine, this or that can't find any. RARES. EQ is about RARES.
    People full T3 raid geared and their box nothing rare about that. Nothing hard about those raids either if they can bring their box and beat em easily.

    When raids are too easy.
    People bring their box.
    People bring their box that means 1 less real player could have joined the raid.
    Easy raids turn into a box game. People rather give the gear to box because the box shows up. Rather than investing in another real player like back in the classic days.

    T3 raids should destroy people that box in raids.
    A visual over someones head, not no GINA trigger. A visual. Don't move them away from each other, thats a PBAE explosion type raids.
    Boxers LOVE GINA triggers.

    Less text more visuals. It's 2023.
    Someone charging an attack, SHOW IT. Don't text "is charging the laser"
    GINA trigger "move away"

    You hear the music ramping up, that means adds are coming.
    Not text "the noise is getting louder"
    GINA trigger "get enchanters ready, mez adds, root adds"

    Unpredictable, sometime between 70-100% will do many different things. 50-70% many different things happen. Unpredictable.

    EQ raids are too easy. People have boxes that are full T3 raid geared. Thats embarrassment. In era, NoS.

    1. Rare drops, Ultra rares.
    2. Visuals
    3. Audio
    4. Unpredictability
  18. Razorfall Augur

    Now that beta forums are up, wouldn't it be best to post there?
  19. uberkingkong Augur

    If raids are beaten in beta already, especially T3.
    Make it harder,
    back in my days,
    Omens of War 2004-05
    Township Rebellion Yes2004-10-262005-01-292005-04-24
    11 months to beat T3
    Crimson Tempest Yes2004-11-012005-03-142005-07-21
    Triton Yes2004-10-282005-02-012005-07-25
    13 months to beat T3

    beta is 2 months?
    they beat T3 in 2 months or less?

    T3 raids being participation trophies year after year for the past 10 years????
    What happened to EQ being EQ

    past 10 years hasn't looked good either. EQ is 49/140.
    Back when we challenging raids, EQ was top 10.

    Data shows participation trophy content people just are not into it.
    Challenging content people enjoy, especially if they are raiding.

    Today, there are people who raid, not only them, but their box too has T3 raid geared, pretty much full set.
    If you can get your box raid geared too,
    T3 raids, Participation Trophy much?