2nd Veeshan's Peak Partisan

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by douxreve, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. douxreve Elder

    We do the 2 nd partisan of VP "Singing stone". On last step need to find another stone. Eqresource, the only info we got, says kill basilisks in lava on a spot at NW of the zone. You will got an emote and we could have a ground spawn.
    After 4 hours of killing, we had no emotes, nothing. Could someone help us to understand what to do?
  2. Siny Augur

    Solved. I sat on a basilisk and that did the trick :p
  3. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    I'd love to know what you actually did. I've been trying to do this for 12 hours now and can't get the god damn thing to pop the ground spawn.
  4. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    There's a ground spawn in the lava that looks like a rock. Pick it up and hand it to the guy in Overthere. Nothing will be updated until you turn it in.
  5. Axxius Augur

    EQResource is wrong. You don't need to kill anything for that step. Just go to the lava pool in the NW tunnel (upstairs, off the balcony) and swim in the lava. At a random spot in the lava you will get an emote:
    You hear a faint hissing sound carrying through the lava.

    Stop right there and wait a few sec. You might get the 2nd emote at the same spot. If you don't get that 2nd emote soon, shuffle around, move around that spot, and you will get that emote eventually:
    The hissing seems very close now.

    Now look around for a ground spawn nearby. That's the rock you need.

    This is one of the most ridiculous quests ever made, with no clues whatsoever. 'Go there dunno where, find that dunno what...'

    BTW, helps a lot not to be KoS in VP. If you haven't camped HH Mistmoore much, buy a double faction potion and clear the Mistmoore zone a few times (just run thru the zone with a merc).
    Kaenneth likes this.
  6. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Yeah, got it. And posted an update for EQR too.