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20th anniversary tlp turn pickzones into tasks.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by johnnie, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. johnnie Journeyman

    Hi i enjoy boxing but i am not a krono farmer.
    Modify the pick zones into tasks so if i want that effreti boot (insert item i want ,need)i can get it for mysef my friends my boxes so the server will be more friendly and less toxic and everyone can get the items they want,more subs and generally a happier server
  2. Yanster Augur

    I never played with Tasks . Is it a "can only do once" kinda thing ? Like looting Efreeti boot once . I personally like this idea
  3. Raltar Augur

    More like an instance.
  4. Kahna Augur

    Yes! Make it so we never have to interact with anyone else in the game, because that is what EQ is all about.
  5. snailish Augur

    Make efreeti boots notrade and much of the hassle goes away. Selling loot rights is a much harder cow to milk.

    In the meantime... (and likely even if they make the boots notrade)

    Bring your posse.

    You'll get your boots. May take multiple tries if your posse is up for the DPS race or lacks the tactics to win one. Remember, it is wild west. [personally I just live without such gear while the drama is on it]

    As well, it would likely be less coding work to ask for them to either add sought after focus effects to more parallel loot in classic or remove them entirely. Not the only factor on efreeti boots, but something that narrow itemization desire for many players.
  6. How Bazaar Lorekeeper

    Fixed it for you!
  7. johnnie Journeyman

    i should have specified make it a server were you can box on 1 pc and i play the game for fun my social interaction his the 3 days i raid every week and chat away with 40 plus guildies.
  8. jeskola pheerie

    Editing quotes is very bad internet etiquette. Next time, come up with your own complete sentence in response.
  9. jeskola pheerie

    Not a great idea... You could ask for efreeti boots in the dbg store if you are serious.
  10. ryokoryu Journeyman

    Several issues with the way it is now. A: people running around with their 6box grps running on 1 computer using virtual machine to do so sets people who don't do this at a disadvantage. B: people training to get camps they want from people who have them before. Training has gotten steadily worse over the past 2 weeks and has gotten to the point I am about done because I can't go past 45. Every time I get a grp somewhere with even decent xp we are getting trained. Some people will decide that your in need of particular attention and will follow you everywhere you go and train you. One individual has decided i need to be trained every time we are in the same zone because I was grouped with someone he didn't like once. At some point the toxic players ruin a server because they create an environment where harassment is the way you get ahead. This is in violation directly to the rules but DBG seems to not care and even with video proof and confessions from the offending parties sent in with /report and petitions nothing is done. Thus if they won't enforce anti-harassment policies and such then full instancing is the only other solution.