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2024 TLP Ruleset!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by OldTimeEQ1, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Because I misread what was said and read it as starting at SoL?

    The false narrative that they have done a GoD start on multiple occasions which has allowed them to have all classes at launch?

    The fact remains that those classes have things locked behind the expansion they are launched in which would make for a bad experience.
  2. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    That "bad experiance" has been asked for repeatedly by people who play those classes. Because they are willing to deal with the few negatives, to not have the really bad experience of having to play a class they don't want to main for months on the new TLP, and then have to play catchup. But you already know all this.

    Furthermore suggesting the lazy route of starting the TLP in Gates, is completely a nonstarter for most people, who don't care to play GoD and beyond. Players are not asking for that, they want to play their, not fully fleshed out class right through the same content everyone else is and enjoy the full experience of what makes TLP's fun. But you don't really care about TLP's so just keep telling the devs it would be too much work, and everyone would be better served keeping it classic.
    Crabman likes this.
  3. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    I mean, do people realize that playing a Berserker pre-GoD they basically just get all the same AAs (with the exception of an increase to frenzy damage bonus) that warriors get? There is nothing to define them as a class. You are literally just a warrior who wears chain and doesn't have a taunt button and can only use 2H weapons. Oh and you get frenzy, which is pretty lackluster early on. All of the disciplines and ability tomes are part of the GoD expansion, so they would not be available before then.

    I guess if people are ok with playing such a terrible class, I really have no interest in stopping them, it just doesn't make much sense to me if they are not planning to play past a certain point anyhow.
  4. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Yeah sounds like it could take extra dev time to make some of those available earlier (in a balanced way), definitely shouldn't do it, lets make personas instead...
  5. CdeezNotes Augur

    Stating discs don't come out to GOD as a justification seems silly, considering all discs available in classic now weren't classic abilities. They were retroactively added. That's a simple fix for berserkers.
    Manafasto and jeskola like this.
  6. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    I never said that. Please refrain from misrepresenting what I am saying.

    I think if they can properly make the changes to allow people to play any of the 16 classes starting with classic, then I am all for it. I do think that it will take a significant amount of dev time to make that possible and I am unsure that it is something they will opt to do. I think the best we can hope for is having a seriously truncated version of the two classes that are not classic being available on launch of a new TLP.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Just because players are asking for something doesn't mean that it is a good idea or that the devs will want to go with it. The fact remains is that the classes are tied to an expansion and they have released TLP's at that expansion before with those classes unlocked.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    To add to this.

    Considering the massive changes they had to do to bring in FTE, having zerkers and beasts in classic seems like a much smaller undertaking.
  9. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    Thats very true and something I didn't really consider. However, like I said before, I am not against them making zerkers and beastlords available in classic, and Im not against the work that would need to be put in to make them viable options with full toolkits. I just lack the confidence that they will decide that it is worth their time to accomplish that. It feels like they thought they were solving big problems when they implemented FTE, and Im just not convinced that they feel having zerkers and beastlords in classic is as noble a cause, thats all.

    For the sake of everyone that wants this to happen, I hope that it does at some point.
  10. Kahna Augur

    People play rogues in classic, they are a horrible. People like not having to play something different then switch classes. Even if the class is terrible in classic.
    Manafasto likes this.
  11. Manafasto Augur

    I do not believe BZK and BST will be terrible in classic. They have gear in the planes and all other expansions. The only issue are the epics. It is just a glaring design issue overall to place another classes epic outside of Kunark era. Other than that there is enough gear for both to survive on.
  12. jeskola pheerie

    You have to consider AA as well. Zerkers in particular were designed with 3 expansions of AA in mind.
  13. kfour New Member

    Free trade, double loot, make solo exp viable again, start in vellious with lvl 51. Allow three box one computer
  14. zurgar Journeyman

    1)one true-box server Actually enforce this to make the truebox people happy.
    one non true box
    2) FV loot rules
    3) Mischief style loot would be awesome
    4) Any expansion under 3 months decrease the lockout timers by half
    5) Increase spawn times on epic and quest mobs (doing sol a and LR for 4+ hours each for cleric epic is dumb)
    6) Increase drop rate on epic and quest items
    7) Start in Kunark

    One server has to be non-truebox this time from the start... Or at least allow it from PoP forward. Making a server truebox is dumb when you don't enforce it.
  15. pipo Lorekeeper

    I agree with the two servers, one true box one non truebox from the start.

    I would like a non true box with:
    - Free trade.
    - The normal loot + one random like someone said before.
    - Unlocks like Mischief. Maybe open Ldon before but keep the Pop+Ldon time the same. A Kunark start sounds good too but it's not a need for me.
    - Uberzones openned in a diferent way:
    -Veeshans peak obtainable only with trak tooth.
    - More sleepers shards in mobs o make them rare in more mobs.
    - Emperors shard for VT key.
    - Open Pop zones as weeks go on. Each two weeks open one tier.
    - Let people create beastlord and berserker but warn them that some equipment, spells, epics are not yet implemented.
  16. NImxat Elder

    If there were two servers, I am guessing that the true box server would be the most played. It would follow that the bot armies looking for the largest market would go there also. So, I will repeat what others have written: Enforce the rules regarding 3rd party software! No one really believes that the multiple enchanters in a PL group are played with individual key strokes. The same goes for the farming bots in SG and other places.
  17. pipo Lorekeeper

    Great for the enforcing but I wish this year we have a non truebox server.
    jeskola likes this.
  18. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    I would amend the decreased lockout timers to double loot and keys. Decreased timers will burn people out faster than an abundance of loot and keys.
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  19. CdeezNotes Augur

    FT group gear. Regular raid gear. Randomized loot tables for everything. Modify MOTM to drop after 2 expansions.

    Either add raid currency for older content or increase loot on 8 week expansions.

    Continued decrease bottle necks of older content.

    Relaxed truebox from start and in Velious. Classic and Kunark raiding is trash.

    125% exp standard.

    This is the way
  20. Muramx Augur

    Relaxed true box (3 accounts 1 PC)

    Free trade.

    Random loot.

    Start in Kunark, = 6 weeks, Velious = 6 weeks, Luclin = 6 weeks. normal unlock times after.

    Epic drops/named have a higher chance to spawn and drop.

    Faster normal and AA exp. (an AA point shouldn't be like getting a level)

    All flags and keys removed halfway through the expansion. (the exception is PoP or PoP style expansions with multiple tiers) where each tier is unlocked weekly after 2 weeks.

    unlock focus effects from the start.

    Zerkers and Bsts unlocked form the start, I think this paired with the previous idea about focus, will bring some balance, as the classes were designed around the content from the expansion they were created in.

    Bazar unlocked, with 1 port to and from the CLto prevent people using it to jump around, with all the merchants but the bag one, parcel guy and bankers gone until Luclin.