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2024 TLP Ruleset!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by OldTimeEQ1, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. coltongrundy Augur

    Vaniki loot without the level lock crap
  2. Krand(Coirnav) New Member

    Oakwynd has been good. (camping epic pieces to sell should be dealt with)
    I like the idea of better xp in other zones than standard, maybe changing week to week.
    Triple loots and making sure that all keys are fast achieved (doing raids and not getting fully geared with full attendance and not even seeing some loots drop)
    Fix legacy aa or I will be spending massively less on potions
    Dont care which expac it starts from but I would be inclined to have the the first expansion with boosted xp and boosted loot and make them faster - slow down when getting to PoP or similar etc
  3. Vileborg33 Lorekeeper

    I've played on 4 TLP's and the biggest threats to a TLP are boredom, keys and long lulls. I see it every time. You want a longer running TLP then you need the following.

    2.5 and 1.5 day lockout timers
    4 Week expansion, 5 weeks for level increase (1st week double xp on level increases)
    2 Week into the expansion drop the key requirements

    The biggest threat to attrition I've seen is boredom. Keep expansions coming and keep the loot flowing. At the end of 8 weeks, people are finding something else to do with their time and not coming back. 12 weeks, so brutal.
    Next is lulls in expansions. DoN was horrible about this. You have basically two dragons to raid for a full 8 weeks. Yeck. Hence, the reduced lockout timers.
    Finally, on these TLP's, there is no catch up if you miss the initial push for keys. You might get one chance at a back flag but you're likely out the expansion. Give two weeks of keyed raids and then unlock the key requirements. People who feel left out, leave and don't come back.

    That's my best advice on how to create a longer lasting TLP based on years of experience on many EQ platforms and TLP's.
    Polekn and Pigskin like this.
  4. Vileborg33 Lorekeeper

    My take on true box. True box only really hinders the average player. I've played on three true box servers and I can tell you the only people playing by the rules are the average player. The krono farmers are all running 6 box crews or more and monopolizing loot spawns. They don't care about the rules. The rules only restrict the honest players. On Yelinak, if you wanted a circlet of shadow, you either had to beg the farmer to let you have one spawn or buy it from them because they locked it down for the whole expansion. The charsis key was much the same way. You could get your charsis key for the low low price of 1 krono. All truebox did was prevent us honest people from being able to contest with the people who figured out a way around the restrictions.

    Every year, we have someone start a thread about the next TLP and every year it's the same random discussions and most of the time it seems the people arguing for the most random stuff either never played on a TLP or never played any serious amount of time and only come here to spout what they want and not what is best for the health and longevity of a TLP.
    Graddox Twoaxe, Muramx and Klang like this.
  5. ForumBoss Augur

    I'd like this but full lockouts, and 2x selos loot level (but free trade+semi-random). Dropping or removing key/flags is a good thing that you suggested. Raiding the same stuff multiple times a week is just as much of a cause of burnout as is having a boring expansion for 2-3 months. We experienced this first hand on Selo server.
  6. Vileborg33 Lorekeeper

    Maybe only half lockouts during the first two weeks so when the key req drops so does the shortened timeouts. It would be nice if the half lockouts could be only on the keying mobs. i.e. The PoP flagging mobs but Time is full but that would be a lot more dev work then half lockouts for two weeks.
  7. OpheliasCrutch New Member

    25th TLP Main Feature - A Magical Door in PoK when you defeat Quarm. The "Hardcore Door" will intantly transport anyone who enters it, back to their home city at level 1. They keep all their gear, some of which won't work and must be banked, but some which will twink. They keep faction and bank. ALL levels, AA's, Tradeskills are reset to start. Titles are given to distinguish the retreads from those continuing on. This or anything like it which will keep us all playing on the same server. My main issue is the speed at which we enjoy the time together and then it ends as others speed off to other tlps. Make a final tlp that somehow revolves. People like to twink, but it takes money and effort. People like to restart but it takes a population doing it together by end of PoP, otherwise its difficult to find folks to hang out with.
  8. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    Im not saying this is a bad idea...but you have basically described my nightmare. Forced to repeat level 1 to 65 over and over with no hope of advancing to the more interesting eras of EQ. This might be fine for some people, but reading your post gave me PTSD, lol. There is a reason I will never play any era of EQ before TSS again. Its just not interesting to me. All the classes are boring and watered down versions of what they will eventually become.
  9. jeskola pheerie

    - all flagging/key zone restrictions removed
    - auction-house style bazaar starting in classic
    - spawn timers increased in slower spawning zones
    - levitate removed
    - monks removed
    FranktheBank likes this.
  10. YelinakIsFun Journeyman

    Took a nice break, when's the next TLP?
  11. Cirise (Juvia) Journeyman

    All classes added to Erudites, all races besides Erudites removed.
  12. Manafasto Augur

    I want to see a Mischief/Rizlona server with all class and race options unlocked at launch.
  13. coltongrundy Augur

    You want a TSS start?
    Yinla likes this.
  14. jeskola pheerie

    I know he meant a classic launch but so do you. That being said I wouldn't mind a TSS launch server. Would be refreshing to level in a new set of zones and skip the 70 raid slog. I just dont think the population would support it.
    Yinla likes this.
  15. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    Event Server (kind of like Quarm) where the goal is to Defeat The First Creation. Start at level 70 with Underfoot unlocked. You start with with no gear, 500 AA and Auto Grant disabled. You could have rewards along the way for each milestone (i.e killing Mata Muram, killing Lethar, killing Kerafyrm) that would be claimable on all other servers. For players who dont enjoy raiding as much, you can also have group milestones as well (completing the Coldain Shawl 2.0, Face aug frrom SoF, etc.)
  16. NImxat Elder

    I think FTE is likely to be included in the 2024 server. Its main goals were to prevent training and mob "stealing" via dps racing. After numerous fixes it largely achieved that. I am not advocating for it but I expect DPG to include it.

    Heirloom loot for personas is what? If "Max the tank" loots a no drop caster item, his caster persona (given race/class/level restrictions) can use it. No special rule required.

    Experience bonus for personas? Maybe like the heirloom bonus based on the number of max level main/personas you have but only for each main/persona set? Sure, fine.

    Regarding random loot and free trade, some have expressed very strong opinions about these. I enjoyed these features, but some purists were enraged by them. Given Mischief's continued success, I think these are likely to be included.

    Lastly, I think more players will favor a classic start, so that just leaves the unlock schedule. 8 weeks ? 12 weeks? I'd prefer 12 but we'll see.
    Oh, and having a bazaar from the start would be great! But, I don't know how to do that without bringing lots of other issues and questions into play.
  17. coltongrundy Augur

    No, I don't know that he meant classic. He said all races unlocked. Where are iksars, vah shir, and drakkin going to be in a classic start???????
  18. Ejab New Member

    What about Mischief ruleset, but even more mischief. No race restrictions for classes. You can be a Troll Wizard or an Erudite Warrior. This becomes a bit of an issue when you introduce Beast Lords, but I'm sure that bridge can be crossed when it's arrived at. There's also an issue I guess with not having robe graphics that can fit Trolls, Ogres, etc. so maybe you couldn't do a complete unrestricted class modifier (unless people were okay with the big races running around naked basically with their skin dyed different colors) but you could certainly do one with a significantly expanded selection: Ogre bards, High Elf warrior, Barbarian cleric, and so on.
  19. NImxat Elder

    Personas don't affect anyone but those interesting in leveling them. Guilds, however, need to be firm in treating persona looting as alt looting, and just say no.
  20. jeskola pheerie

    All trash mobs can randomly respawn as any named in the same zone.