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2024 TLP Ruleset!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by OldTimeEQ1, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    Hunger games ruleset
    Stress true boxing
    Kunark start

    Hungry games is every friday certain time, if you choose to participate.
    Head over the arena. Hail the NPC. You want to join the Hunger Games.

    It's basically FFA PvP, self made teams and what not.
    Loot and hardcore rules are applied.
    For 30 minutes.

    So if you happen to die, you lose everything and the other people can loot you.
    Your character is deleted when you die in Hunger Games.

    Advanced loot is off, so you have to manually do it old school. Run to the corpse and see whats on it.
    Careful might be SoS rogue lurking/

    People who don't want to participate in Hunger Games they can goto the arena spectate. Maybe put on a live stream on Twitch of the Hunger Games.
  2. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I don't see how personas have anything to do with a TLP succeeding to any degree. Just don't use them.
    Rijacki and Cirise (Juvia) like this.
  3. Ruiner Elder

    Kunark launch with rotating hot zones, random spawn world bosses, and bonus/tradeable loot would be cool. But i'm sure we'll get some wacky modernized mechanic that noone asked for with features that will be abandoned 2 months into the server like they did with oakwynd and vaniki.
  4. Oscig Elder

    EQ classic branching at one of the earlier xpacs and going its own direction.

    Ah, to dream…
    Crabman likes this.
  5. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    How about no hotzones, normalization of all ZEMs, and an overall permanent XP boost?
    ForumBoss likes this.
  6. Oscig Elder

    the problem with hotzones/ZEMs is they were frequently put on places that were already good for XPing for other reasons rather than using them on zones people don't XP in
    always seemed strange to me
    Rijacki likes this.
  7. ChantingBard New Member

    Regardless of the core ruleset. Please mitigate the level 70 doldrums. Cut Omens of War down to two months, cut Dragons of Norrath down to 6 weeks, cut Depths of Darkhollow down to 6 weeks, cut Prophecy of Ro down to 6 weeks.
    That's 10 weeks of level 70s that is surpassed, and the server population will be a lot healthier because of it.
    Ruiner likes this.
  8. Ruiner Elder

    I was thinking of it more in terms of mixing up the leveling route. The meta of unrest > guk > hole hasn't changed since.. a long time? It's because these zones offer great exp on top of great loot. There are so many dungeons that people just avoid entirely and to me it's just wasted content. Now if there were say 50% bonus boost in splitpaw or harder to reach dungeons it might get people going there or at least that would be my hope. Have the ZEM boost swap every 3 days or so to a new zone and i think it could make for a more fun leveling experience.

    Normalizing ZEMs is an interesting idea but would it really shift the leveling meta or would people still just go to the best loot camps like guk. I think at bare minimum Mistmoore should have a higher ZEM. It's crazy to me that is has been left unchanged for so long.
  9. Oscig Elder

    I wonder how many customers DBG is skipping by continually attempting to appease the people that want to do annual speedruns of expansions. :rolleyes:
    Muramx and Rijacki like this.
  10. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    You can fix the meta by removing hotzone and setting all ZEMs to zero, and then adding in a permanent XP bonus. Then, you can go level anywhere you like, indoors or out, without having to optimization math or fighting crowds. I think we have the same goal in mind, just different ways to make it happen.
    Rijacki likes this.
  11. FranktheBank Augur

    Not nearly as many as if they went to 6 month expacs.
  12. TLP Addict Augur

    I'd just like a TLP where the advertised features actually worked, bots aren't given free reign while 1 boxers get AFK checked in the bazaar, old long existing bugs like Mini Aten resetting if moved more then 3 inches out of position, hunter achieves being broken getting fixed.

    I think at this point whatever gimmick server they come up with will be under supported regardless of rule set.
    Graddox Twoaxe and maxisbored like this.
  13. Oscig Elder

    Well, we could give the speedrunners 12 TLPs and give the people who want to play the xpacs slow 1 TLP. Seems fair.
  14. CdeezNotes Augur

    This is a business, not school recess. Fair doesn't get them profit margins to keep the business running and providing the customers content.
  15. Stune Augur

    1 year expansions starting at .00001 xp server. OH wait, that just reminded me of real classic.
    Ardune was the best TLP for me.
    maxisbored likes this.
  16. Ruiner Elder

    My only concern with flattening is that people would be even less inclined to travel to harder to reach dungeon or outdoor zone if the exp is the same but maybe you could do a combination of both. Surely either option would be better with what we have now. However, we might just be barking up the wrong tree since most people seem to be content to just pay krono for PLs :/
  17. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    You might be correct, but I still hope that people would be more inclined to travel further, see zones they normally wouldn't because they chased the xp meta or did a PL.
  18. coltongrundy Augur

    That's not how that works. ZEM is only a factor in determining an optimal path. There will still be optimal paths without ZEMs based on mob density, respawn timers, travel times pre pok, mob body types and classes, etc
  19. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Hybrid Mischief loot; Normal loot + Bonus Random Loot. So you can target a specific drop you want, but it also can't be monopolized.
    Cirise (Juvia) likes this.
  20. Ruiner Elder

    I really think respawn timers need to be looked at more closely. it's silly that groups have to claim literally half of guk bottom dead side to stay sustained in that zone. Conversely you have camps like kennels in chardok where many groups struggle to manage clearing even half the camp.
    maxisbored likes this.