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2-3 days after server launch & AOE PL groups are back

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Smallhands, May 28, 2023.

  1. Smallhands Elder

    Those who wanted to buy AOE PL's can rest easy. FTE didn't kill them.
  2. Go Take A Nap Augur

    As someone that is interested in pling extra toons on my accounts i wonder if people would complain less if the zone was emptied via other methods or is it particularly aoe pling that is annoying for you? I took this post as sarcasm, but maybe im not very good at spotting it. You cant be trained now, so not sure what the complaint is.

    After doing some simple math its come out to around 4 mobs per minute average for mid tier zones. That is perfectly possible with other methods. A high level druid can easily accomplish this rate...I would know i sold pls during original classic and helped low level groups keep gnome castle clear with one high level druid.

    Those that complain about PLing i would really like to know what the reason is behind it? Leveling sucks... the 1-50 slog through hell levels dont exists in this format and we dont have 1 year expansions. they are 2 months on Oakwynd. Moving to max level and enjoying the fruits of the highest levels is the main objective for most people. On a server that incentivizes extra characters i think PLing will be the only way to keep up.

    This server is a bit of an odd ball if you ask me... the incentives for alts seem to cater more to a longer format but we dont have that here do we?
  3. Smallhands Elder

    This post is not sarcasm, and I am not opposed to AOE Pling. I was just letting people who wanted to pay for AOE PL, know that they can still do it. :)
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They never said it was intended to deal with AE PL groups so not sure why this is surprising.
    Rijacki likes this.
  5. Smallhands Elder

    No one said it was intended.
    Koshk and Thewiz like this.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure seems like you implied it with your post suggesting that they might not have been on the server.
  7. Smallhands Elder

    Sure seems like you're wrong.

    Go back to arguing with yourself in the mirror.
    Koshk likes this.
  8. ChickenBurrito New Member

    Thanks for the update, was wondering myself :)
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Who was ever questioning that there wouldn't be the AE PL groups on the server? I saw plenty of feedback about how the FTE changes could actually help the AE PL groups.
  10. Installing Updates Lorekeeper

    You can still play a Wood Elf on Oakwynd. FTE did not kill Wood Elves.
    Just letting people know.
    Isitmeyourelookin4 and Fallfyres like this.
  11. Voraxia Journeyman

    Hahahahah and some one in my post told me everquest is the best community ever, thank for the laugh .
    Koshk likes this.
  12. Kahna Augur

    I'll bite. I dislike AE PLing because it does disrupt the zone. 8-10 characters in the PL group frequently monopolize hugs areas of mobs, preventing anyone else from engaging those mobs.

    In unpopular zones they can clear the entire zone, but they aren't a big enough group to spawn a pick, so there is just nothing to kill for the other folks who want to kill there. One example of this is PoI. Innovation is a great place for high 40's low 50's to solo. Additionally it's the only place to go to farm tinkering components. One AOE group can keep the entire zone clear.

    And then you have AOE groups in popular zones. Like Velks. One AoE group can clear out not one, but up to 3 picks of spiders without breaking a sweat. They will 100% pick hop when they have cleared out all the mobs in the pick they are in. 3 picks of spiders in velks can other wise support 6 groups and a few soloers picking off singles in the mid levels. So 8-10 toons taking up 40+ toons worth of content.

    Small groups of players monopolizing large amount of in game content is disruptive. More so than large groups of players playing that content. The large group is at least going to spawn more picks.

    A couple of peeps spending an hour PLing their buddy in some back water zone long after the masses have move on with it isn't nearly as disruptive as folks spending days or weeks in the higher level zones selling PLs. I have never found it difficult to level in this game. It's stupid fast and calling it a slog is a huge stretch. Anyone who can't be bothered to put in the bare bones effort of leveling their own toon is unlikely to last for any length of time in EQ's slow raiding grind anyway, so I doubt most of them are boosting any waning populations.
    Sakuraba, Rijacki and Doze like this.
  13. Muramx Augur

    In the early days I hated people that got power leveled or bought characters because you could always tell who those people were because they were horrible at the class or would blow all their mana to cast 1 spell from fizzling, or get smoked in 1 hit for having level 20 gear on a level 60.

    Now it's a little different, seems almost everyone has played all the classes and the play the same ones on TLPs. With Oakwynd, feel like most of the PLing going on will be naked char just so people can get the bonuses. Then everytime there is a cap increase they get a couple hour PL to top em off.

    As long as they don't disrupt others then it's whatever. If they do... Pretty sure that's against TOS and DPG needs to handle it appropriately.
  14. Gheed Augur

    If anything FTE makes it much better for AE pling as people are not getting unintentionally trained.

    Personally, I am having an absolute blast AE PLing all my alts as well as my pals.

    Enjoy the grind, I guess?