17 Facts About the Number 17

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Laylaih, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. Laylaih Communications Coordinator

    What's so special about the number 17? Here's our top list of facts about everyone's favorite "least random number":

    1. There are a minimum of 17 possible givens for a Sudoku puzzle with a unique solution
    2. The atomic number for chlorine is 17
    3. According to hacker lore, 17 is the "least random number" when choosing from 1 to 20
    4. The fear of the number 17 is called "heptadecaphobia" or "heptakaidekaphobia"
    5. The average of the first two perfect numbers is 17
    6. There are 17 syllables in a traditional haiku, a Japanese three-line poem
    7. Want to reach the police in France? Dial "17"
    8. There are 17 unique species of penguin
    9. Apollo 17 was the final mission of NASA's Apollo program
    10. Some species of cicada live underground for 17 years before emerging
    11. The coming of age for wizards in the Harry Potter universe is 17
    12. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet
    13. The number 17 is considered to be unlucky in Italy
    14. Pluto's orbit is highly inclined, at a 17° angle above the plane where other planets orbit
    15. There are 17 steps leading up to Sherlock Holmes' house
    16. The 17th President of the United States was Andrew Johnson
    17. EverQuest is celebrating its 17th anniversary - a huge thanks to our community for your continued support!

    Want to get in on more of the EverQuest 17th Anniversary fun? We’re streaming at 3PM Pacific on Wednesday, March 16th at twitch.tv/everquestlive, and you can even join us for our anniversary drunken gnome race!
    Smokeydistic, Rhiyannon and Khat_Nip like this.
  2. Drewie Augur

  3. Talinthor New Member

  4. TenkenTurtle Elder

    17 is my favorite prime number
  5. Protujay New Member

    17 problems with this game, and Beastlord DoTs WASN'T 1 of them...
    Jein-ko likes this.
  6. Iila Augur

    More 17 facts!

    1. 17 is one more than 16.
    2. A human can not successfully drink 17 gallons of milk in one day.
    3. Andre the Giant once drank 17 bottles of beer before winning a wrestling match.
    4. If you hard boil an 18 pack of eggs, then eat one egg, you would have 17 hard boiled eggs left
    5. 17 less than 34 is 17.
    6. House of Thule was EverQuest's 17th expansion. It had 17 missions.
    7. 17 Canadian geese can kill an adult human.
    8. There are 17 orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems (to within a conformal symmetry) in which the 3-variable Laplace equation can be solved using the separation of variables technique.
    9. The 17th prime number is not 17, it's 59!
    10. The magazine Seventeen has been in print for 72 years.
    11. At level 17, wizards get the spell Nexus Gate, to teleport themselves to the moon.
    12. There are more than 17 facts about the number 17!
    13. The year 17 was 1999 year ago.
    14. I once paid $17 for a parking violation.
    15. They only want you when you're seventeen. When you're twenty-one, you're no fun.
    16. Rain of Fear, EverQuest's 19th expansion, has 17 bullet points in its entry in Wikipedia.
    17. The smallest of the 17 species of penguins are the Little penguins.
    Smokeydistic and Sirene_Fippy like this.
  7. Rekametah New Member

    March 17th is Saint Patrick's Day.
  8. Mince New Member

    These aren't 17 facts about the number 17; they are 17 facts about other things involving the number 17. A fact about the number 17 would be: The number 17 was founded by Sir Ronan the Knave in Prussia circa 1632.
  9. Mince New Member

    1. Facts about the number 17 should be less obvious (IMHO).
    2. Not necessarily true, even if it's never been done.
    4. See (1)
    5. See (4)
    7. One Canadian Goose could a human, if the human were not defending themselves. I doubt 100 Canadian Geese could kill a human if they were defending themselves/fleeing the attack.
    8. I'll trust you here.
    9. Of course not. If 17 were the 17th prime number, 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15, and 16 must necessarily be prime.
    10. It would be much cooler if it were in print since 1999.
    13. The inverse: The year 1999 was 17 years ago.
    14. Not a fact until you prove it.
  10. EvilJed New Member

    17 is a prime number...just like the EverQuest theme music has always been prime music...of top quality. Has it now been replaced...for good?
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