Submitted a ticket on this, but in a bit of a panic. Switched from my persona to my main today, all of my augs were unequipped and placed in my bags...
Category: Other [Can Repro] Date/Time: Fri Apr 28 10:57:20 2023 Character: Level 120 Monk Zone: The Reef of Coirnav Location: -838.09, -291.07,...
Hello, for the past 6 or 7 weeks, I have received 0 experience on kills. I have tried toggling AA xp to 0, make some kills, then back to 100, and...
So I'm not sure why it took me this long to discover this, but.... Mage direct damage 'bolt' line of spells don't seem to be hitting Ball of Ice and...
Forgot we can't post images unless we use a sharing site. Elite Level 4 Military Quest Has Soldier (5): Bonuses: Rogue, Clockwork, Exotic---- I'm...
Looted Lesser Kromrif Etching, clicked Shockwave of Many Rk. III spell, spell gem reset to Rk. II instead of Rk. III. Server: Cazic Thule...
Pets do not seem to hold any agro when attacking dracholiches in new EW zone.
Sorry, got this answered. Please delete this. (Couldn't find a way to delete it on my own.)
Okay, I am not going to fanboy it up and say everything is amazing right now... But overall I feel like communications between devs and players via...
Hey all, we're looking for to fill out our numbers for raids Sat, Sun, Mon, and Wed nights starting at 11pm central (9 Pac, 10 Mnt, 12 East) and...
Hey all Cazicites, I have a Bruma that I'd like to trade for a Peremo. Hit me up if you're interested via a reply here, or in game to Ibadan. EQmail...
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