Let's be real you only threw Shaman in the title of your OP so it doesn't look like yet another Druid post whinging about how bad you have it in the...
Usually "boxes" do not use the LFG tool and anytime of the day you pull up that tool I promise you the majority of people LFG are Druids in greater...
And yet Yelniak is FLOODED with Druids so shaman being more " desired " isnt affecting their playability, in fact I see more of them than any other...
"TSS is when "it appears" they took a step back and looked at class identity and gave every class a true identity. (they had been building up on it...
I see your warrior and raise you a wizard, they use us to eat DT in sky lol
Everquest needs a stat and level squish.
My advise would be to NOT start out with a Heroic character start out from level one and get a feel for the game again all the AAs and stuff you will...
If I had to pick a server as a brand new player and not wanting a TLP I would pick FV, a larger population and tradeable stuff not available on other...
Cheaters are gonna cheat regardless of whether Kronos are available or not. /wave @ player auction, it existed and thrived way before a krono was...
I never did understand why the Marr twins aren't an option for Deities for Barbarians. I could kind of see Barbarians being paladins if they were...
Honestly to make it less daunting for truly new players or long time returning players they need to take a page from WOW and do a level and stat...
Bard: Carme Mage: Domaa Necro: Kunon Paladin: Turayalon
I would pay more for a TLP legends type server.
please buy them some GOOD coffee they earned it !
Aww shucks I guess my wife is right and I really don't know everything what a let down :(
yes they did its a ways back in the forums when someone complained about people afk merc killing in paw or some other zone
DBG said it was ok to be afk and have mercs out killing things for an indefinite period of time so the only difference is that instead of AI...
cant buy potions it says I bought them but doesn't show in my inventory
what noobs? If there are noobs running around they are either mentally defective is some way, or are the class clown. Most everyone who plays EQ has...
Separate names with a comma.