Still raiding weekly with Underfoot starting in a few weeks. Could use the following. Druid Cleric Wizard Berserker
Still here clearing everything in SoF weekly and getting ready for SoD. Could use a main druid and cleric. Rizlona is the best server where you can...
Still here and clearing everything weekly. Room for Necro/Mage and possibly other classes. Transfers and boxers/non boxers all welcome.
Still going strong into TBS. Solteris has been cleared and we are looking for caster dps, druids and clerics. Transfers from Aradune are welcome....
Expansion on farm with an easy three night rotation. Classes currently open. Bard Cleric Rogue
Ashengate was cleared two days into TSS with FC being cleared that next monday. Expansion is on farm status so come join us and get your gear!
Vicus speaks truth. Chill atmosphere full of people who love EQ. raids are smooth and always finish early with no complications. Leadership has been...
recruitment needs updated.
TSS is in a few weeks. Now is a good time to get ready for the next era of EQ. The guild is strong with 45+ members clearing PoR and Demiplane weekly.
Two years into Rizlona and we are still going strong. Join us for TSS and beyond. Would love a high attendance Paladin and some Beastlords/Wizards.
Ayonae Ro dead tonight! We are still willing to take on most classes outside of warrior. Would love a main beastlord or a very active paladin/sk.
Aradune guild falling apart? Come check us out on Rizlona. We can fit a sk or paladin with high attendance as well.
Still clearing Demiplane in one night with no issues. If you are looking for a relaxed group of raiders that gets it done with no drama or...
[IMG] Shattered Soul is the top raiding guild on the Rizlona server with a heavy focus on completing end-game content efficiently in a fun, mature...
Demiplane now down to a one night clear. We still have some spots open and would love another main shaman or two.
A couple dps spots opened up and we are able to take any dps class at this time. Would love another high attendance monk.
One shot all of Demiplane minus a bugged pull of Redfang and had the expansion cleared two days in. If you are looking for a lively discord with...
Getting ready for Dodh. have room for anything but monk and tank spots but we do waitlist for those classes.
Would be willing to take on a couple high attendance berserkers, rogues and rangers
Have some openings for some caster dps and an Enchanter or two. Healers always welcome. We do waitlist if people are looking for melee spots.
Separate names with a comma.