I'm looking for caster weapons which proc an AoE and are obtainable prior to level 85. The weapons I currently have: CLR: Poison Wind Censer procs...
I have the impression in order to skill-up Begging in combat one needs to turn off attack first? Is this still true (or was it ever true)?
Could this please be fixed ... and extended so we could actually complete them.
30 something failed logins across 4 accounts. Please fix. Thanks.
Korukust's Royal Pain: Step 2 - Let no being get in your way 22 / 23. 3 trackers in zone, BRD, DRU,RNG. I was shorted two mobs. I only got up to 22...
The anniversary missions give away one bonus item per attempt. 6 runs, 36 hours to complete one groups' worth of missions. The purpose is what?
Good lord, how many weeks of this do we have to put up with. Can't login to the game. Can't login to the forums. Neither one run for any extended...
Is there a /slash command to set the raid loot type to entire raid?
I've completed all the quests over the years. I have the full 100% WR stocking. The quests are not repeatable. The only search result from Allaz for...
Is Tavon's Burnished Gemstone temporary?
If we could get a decent ^&*%&*^ Zone In to Plane of Water after all these years. What a poor implementation that was.
I've tried this numerous times over the last three months, across many patches, I have yet to complete the South Ro instance. After killing the...
I was under the impression Emissary of Bristlebane was up until the 10th for the April Fool's Day Achievement. I don't see him, is it already gone...
What is the spawn time on these items?
The AA description: "Transforms you into the image of death itself. Melee damage is increased but you are unable to use any spells for 60s (10...
Does the offline trader mode work for buying mode also?
When the tutorial achievements were introduced I thought I read in the patch notes one could shroud and re-enter the tutorial via Secalna Galnor in...
Exploring the Guild Hall: You say, 'Hail, a guild treasurer' a guild treasurer says 'Greetings, _____. I am here to help with all Guild Bank...
After evaccing myself for the umpteenth time last night - How does one stop casting *AAs* which have a cast time on a *BARD*; specifically, Harmonic...
- Three new single-target cure spells are now available in the Plane of Knowledge, Firiona Vie, the Overthere, Sunderock Springs, Dragonscale Hills,...
Separate names with a comma.