5 was a bit harsh. Why not 12 like Mage beams? 12 is useful w/o being over powered.
Druids Rock!
Achievement: It's Dangerous to Go Alone (Group) Achievement: Have Fun Storming the Castle (Group)
Casual server limited to 14 hours of logged in game time per week! Hardcore unlimited login time
Need Moar Dots! Raid times are Tuesday & Thursday @ 8 - 11:30 est, Saturday @ 6 - 11:30 est We have a DKP bidding system in increments of 5 (...
Like raid shamans dont have enough to do all ready, make the mages useful and have them cast the Damn Malo.
Monk Math!
Killed all day in Arcstone, 9-10 named mobs that should drop orbs and not a single one to be seen. Lame.
I blame people, its all ways People!
Just give them 150kpp, problem solved
I'd like to submit a ticket for race change bug, please send 150kpp. Will also take 50 Krono. Thank You!
Recruitment High - Bard Low - Beastlord Low - Berserker High - Cleric Low - Druid Medium - Enchanter High - Magician Low - Monk High - Necromancer...
omg thank you for this info!
Not much of a challenge when a casual guild like Mendacium can finish the content on the Saturday the xpac opens. But the race is all ways...
For me it started out as laughing til the hot coffee came out my nose and then the crying started!
Recruitment as of 11/27/2017 http://mendaciumeq.enjin.com/ Medium - Bard Low - Beastlord Low - Berserker High - Cleric Low - Druid Low -...
RIP Agnarr! All ways a tragedy to lose one so young. 8( Phinny for life!
Separate names with a comma.