Did Hero of the Eastern Wastes group mission and the reward from the achievement says it's 100% of the experience required to go from 111 to 26% into...
As we all know EQ is old, and with age comes a dwindling playerbase and a playerbase with less time to play due to real life. With a lot of people...
Universal Chat has been down for hours on FV since being ddos'd if we can possibly get it fixed it would be nice.
Hey all, I'm trying to find a relevant 105 warrior guide for group/raid aggro discis/aa's and which defensive discis work best with what and when.
I was wondering if devs could possibly reduce the reuse time on Communion of blood to a reasonable 3-5min reuse or boost the endurance return?...
Devs, since we will never be getting any new veteran aa's I think it's time that vet AA's should have unlimited claim amounts for an account. Some...
Is the spam filter broken for any other servers? alot of people are flagged as spam for simply saying rez plz, etc.
Today me and my group members have been experiencing crashes right before the final hails in DH HA's and seems like it might be a game issue.
I know i'm going to get flamed for posting this. But will Daybreak anytime soon possibly allow a way to transfer off Firiona Vie and never transfer...
Devs, is it possible to get Shadewalkers Synergy to stack with T'vyl's Resolve so monks don't have to swap it out on certain events and take a huge...
Since they are adding the option for frogloks to be monks, will there be leather cultural armor added for frogloks? And if so when will it be added...
Anyone know if there is a way to hotkey more than 1 activated aa on a hotbar? for example if I have ferocious kick (aa ) and banestrike (aa) on a...
Separate names with a comma.