Can't wait to hear what this is.
May have died too fast. Did you kill it with bellow or a big DS? Try clicking off a big DS meleeing it with weaker weapons.
Yes, but for others to see it, you have to take it off, and put it back on, after THEY zone in. Known for years, never fixed.
Try giving him an empty bag? If you have already combined it, you should still be flagged to get the tapestry from PoK and make another.
It certainly...used to. You might have /part off
I think this is the wrong thread for that sort of debate.
I completed a Bard 1.5 this week and didn't have this issue.
There's a Monster Mission in Butcherblock.
It would be great to see a mechanic where, after say 3-5 expansions have passed, we decide this content is no longer in high demand, so raids can be...
This was changed within a matter of weeks after HoT launch iirc. The rotdogs in HoT lower are problematic for solo travelers as well now that...
Approximate spawn points. These aren't static, the mobs spawn here and then wander the zone. Park your boxes and let the mass slaughter begin. [IMG]
They tried to do it once with OOC regen, again with mercs, but fundamentally missed the source of the issue: an npc vs player power disparity that...
That would be the refusal to properly nerf Complete Healing. The worst part of PoK is the no countdown buffs that lead to the lagpile, but...
Pretty sure the only way into, or even back into the DZ is via the AoC. Worst camp ever? With a couple of boxes it's much easier. Ive always...
How about an ignore.ini file for the EQ directory for cross-account functionality? I feel like this may have been a thing way back in the day.
Free trade is already very enabling for letting lower folks catch up. There's a 1hs out there that makes you pretty invincible until level 40. I'd...
Not looking for sympathy, just a PSA, pointing out the VAST discrepancy in value between these and the previous packs.
Looks like I wasn't the only one expecting this.
Buyer beware: With my other CE Purchases I was able to get 999 mercs/bags/etc that go to my claim window. This would allow me to claim the merc...
Previous bundles would grant 999 items in the claim window, so they could be used by all current/future characters across all of your servers. It...
Separate names with a comma.