Group missions also messed up.. no spells, no ore.. lots or ornaments! [IMG]
Ka Vethan (bristlebane) tonight. 1 ore chest rotted with invisible items on it. It is rather upsetting this is still or even became an issue. I...
An EQ where custom UI are not needed to make up for the clunkiness of the default UI would be the goal.
How will accounts using the same email be handled?
Seems there's an issue with Spell gems 13/14 (12/13 in .xml) EQType has changed? EQTYPE: 414 and 415 [IMG] I have a fix posted here. EQ forums will now allow me to post code this big. I...
[IMG] Here's an example of what the changes look like for my UI. This is the Sparxx UI. Will we be able to list buffs like I had prior to the...
- Corrected an issue where an account would sometimes think a player was still online when going from character select to server select. This is...
tbh posted for a friend. didn't look myself ;)
Not a huge issue, however once you are too high of a level you cannot enter the tutorial even if you shroud down to level 5. This does stop folks...
Title of the thread. Naming is usually followed with shaming. Best to not do it at all.
I would hope (yup there's a twinge of hope in me still) that server stability would take a high ranking in there. I know this is a business and...
pretty sure i know the thread
Just my attempt to prevent folks from getting warnings or bans over lack of knowledge :)
Pfft.. I'm no quitter!
Naming/Accusing - Openly accusing another player or group of misbehavior results in non-constructive discussion and is not allowed. You may...
<3 I volunteer to help with UI issues ;)
I do hope that's not a player name there.. since that would violate the forum rules :/
God yes.. I hear people's boxes referred to as bots weekly. Honestly, why would you want to be even remotely in the same field as botters?
Separate names with a comma.