No, i'm referring to Live. A disc that makes you taking 35 % more damage and makes you at risk of dieing with bad healing ? You take a bad...
Warrior being in the top tier of soloing classes ? Is that a joke ? Even with warrior using a merc, Rangers and Shamans solo much better than...
So melee DPS classes in your raid are tanking raid bosses and adds in tanks groups because you put tanks in melee DPS groups ? That must be fun to...
The only way for a tank to parse top 10 is to be in a DPS melee group with full ADPS (that includes paladins), so bard / beastlord / monk / shaman,...
I agree, here is a copy / paste of what I posted in beta : Mitigation We need our disc / clickies to last closer to their full duration against...
The OP didn't compare himself to SK. It's someone else that brought SK into the discussion right on the the first post answer, trolling the OP...
Have you tried to play a warrior on his own ? They are worst than wizards / druids at soloing. They can't do much on their own too, and by a bigger...
So Druids and Shamans who are in a group with no ADPS should also do zero DPS ? Enchanters and Bards who aren't in a DPS group should also do...
Each time some people are bringing the "Tanks are doing too much DPS" and cry for the "nerf call", they are forgetting (or ignoring) that tanks in...
I'm wondering how long it's gonna take before this thread turns into the classic "SK OP, Pallies are very bad" fight. Though it needs first to have...
I feel sorry for ya if clerics don't heal knights and warriors equally in your raid. Or maybe you face a lack of cleric number, in this case the...
They compensate largely their less strong sustained tanking toolkit with their great self healing tools. If knights in your raid are not able to...
Not anymore, and since a long time ago. Knights are able to single target raid tank every raid mob as good as Warriors, including Boss, while...
The AC numbers are only Mitigation AC or the sum of Mitigation AC and Avoidance AC ?
Monks are using the Block skill instead of Parry.
100 k -200 k round is not group mob, he's speaking of group content, hits are much less than this. Still, are you trying to imply that 4 000 dmg...
You understood it wrong : you are living with an outdated view of the warrior class if you think that the class just stands there afk at the mob...
Did you do some research before posting this ? Recrutment need on RoI website : Medium : Wizard
The experience of your few TLP friends doesn't mean that overall TLP players spend more money than Live players. You have also the contrary, some...
What are you doing in a lvl 110 zone ? This is not current content, current content is lvl 120 zones atm in ToL. There are a lot of players on live...
Separate names with a comma.