Free Xp weekend? Cause Tormax sure could use a boost in it. Maybe time to update that 386 VM you are trying to use.
Tormax is foobar.
We kicked em to the curb.
Come to Tormax, much better server we kicked out the krono farmers. Just saying.
Well you know why OP, on a true box server...... It is apparently allowed.
Epics should be harder than camping Frenzy. However the Frenzy in non teek ruleset servers are not dropping the FBSS hardly at all. It is much easier...
I got a very late start on the server from Teek and I rather enjoy working with Dumplingz and the other players.
Might be also time to relook at the whole AOC and add in 6 man group raids at classic to live. The reduced player base is starting to hit home...
People need to stop associating Classic with TLP, it is a different ruleset aimed at going live after a while. I do agree that the Devs need to focus...
Come join us for the Arudune experience.
Druid or Cleric are great but don't forget the Shaman can help too. Especially when ADPS becomes a thing for the mage pet.
The population is a serious problem. I might try putting together a small guild for casual raiding seems to be a lack of Est players. Hate to do...
Nothing wrong with Tormax to be honest. Clean content, and many solo players looking for groups. Many appear to be avoiding the Krono farm fest...
I keep seeing delays like the server is repoping a complete refresh of mobs and items. The delay is crappy. What is up with this? and has others...
Ya i decided to roll on Tormax, so much better not having pick after pick, zone after zone filled with M*Q users. Getting sick of this game play.
Free trade, random is a nice concept but Tormax is sounding much better these days.
Devs not tracking the people with 25+ bot accounts. No true boxing here. It is disrupting peoples play times.
Aye, it is a very tough industry right now. Funding for even other games has been rough. Now i see China has restricted even Tencent from doing...
What year was that again? times change, and games have changed away from the EQ model. So, it might be hard to tell without doing some polls and...
Actually, you have no basis for facts on this. A GM is not a Dev. You also have no polls proving that players may actually return to the game if...
Separate names with a comma.