Not quite. The sub-quests were originally repeatable, but they gave an outsized amount of currency for their difficulty and so players were...
Aside from the fact they definitely don't want it to be account wide, anything account based is a lot more complicated than you think. It is...
Loyalty is account based. That means it exists on every server, like Krono. Overseer (the system) is server based. That means it exists...
Loyalty isn't a real alt currency in the same sense as the others. It's just a display thing. That's why you can't pull it out of the window...
Fixed an issue where some game windows would reopen automatically after the player closes them. I seem to be having the opposite problem now....
Did you group with someone who spoke in another language?
There is a difference between top level inventory slots and the slots inside bags. Top level slots used to be arranged vertically then horizontal,...
G-Sync is a proprietary Nvidia technology. You need to have a compatible Nvidia video card for it. It is both a monitor and video card thing....
Just remove the dates, they don't matter. If you're trying to find your old characters the server name is what you're looking for. The year is...
Wildmagic Strike does not use the "cast highest level you have scribed" effect, it simply directly casts the spell. You don't need the other...
Do the new buff slots have EQTypes for the labels? There was no mention of it in the patch notes and using 542-548 didn't work (buffs 0-41 use EQType...
It's not the same item.
The flags are part of the character, not the persona, so it doesn't matter which persona you use. Do Grummus with a bard. Do Justice trials...
I do appreciate that balance changes are being made.
I didn't say either of those things. I get that you're mad you can't easily AE PL anymore. It's fine, you're allowed to not like changes. Just...
There are no events that were designed specifically for unlimited AE anything. There are events players found the easiest/fastest way to beat...
The converter is meant to make it easier for players to convert their custom UIs to the new system. It uses premade templates to do this....
Correct, which is why I said on truebox servers.
There are already enough SPAs that can be used to improve Clerics. It is up to the designers to use them.
Separate names with a comma.