It's possible that they have mostly spawned in a location you haven't fount, yet. But if you're only picking up the the Shards set, then they've...
If you click the "next rank" tab in the AA window for that line, what does it list as the required level?
Make sure you're clicking the door on the right. The door on the left goes to the housing zone guild hall, if your guild has one. Since you're on...
I don't think the issue you're seeing is related to cannibalize. When you're in fast regeneration mode and you move or stand (whether by casting a...
Starting with The Broken Mirror expansion, you can request almost all missions even if you are solo. That doesn't mean you'll be able to complete...
According to EqResource and my vague recollection, Knifen has it right. The first step is the same for everyone, but the next 3 steps are randomized....
It would be more clear if the dialogue matched the item name, but mail is another word for chain mail (not chainmail, apparently).
Blocking buffs on mercenaries would be great. Currently, I usually click off the illusion buffs from my mercenary, but that doesn't help if someone...
Are they on multi-line hotkeys? If so, you might need to add /pause commands to some lines. If you're using other hotkeys that have pauses, that...
While it could be good to have a delete button for a quest reward, it could also cause other problems of people accidentally deleting quest rewards....
Yes, it's a bug so should be fixed. It does only happen at level 61, if I remember correctly. A way to get around the bug is to ask a higher level...
If I remember correctly, you need to speak to him in the Ogre language. You'll need to increase your skill in it if you haven't already. Here's...
Do you already have the rank 2 or 3 spells in your spell book? Have you tried the context menus to memorize a level 121+ spell? Right-click on an...
I don't know if this will be the solution, but try to manually loot the crates. I remember thinking things weren't dropping from crates/barrels in...
It's maybe covered in the AMA responses: Q: Can we get...
This seemed to start happening near the time that quests started randomly disappearing. When I kept track, it was always a quest for which I had just...
Did you purchase a Jar of the Windspirit from Merchant Wyn`las? It has no cost. But you need to have it in your inventory when you swim to the...
From the wording in your post, it sounds like you're working on getting your skill above 300 by learning new recipes. If that's not the case, then...
This may not help, but you can open the housing inventory window with shift + i. Then click trophies. That opens the window where you can adjust...
Aye, it's just a visual bug. I've always been able to cast those that say they're on cooldown but shouldn't be. I think (but am not positive) you can...
Separate names with a comma.