Worth buying or nah?
anyone else experience this and is there any way to improve it ( I intend to call my isp to ask them if it is on their end) 1 of my 3 boxes takes...
What’s up with the raid progress website? [img]
I wanted to be surprised... Glad I didn’t buy the expansion ... please tell me I am missing something. Our only spell is a situational at best...
Any takers of where I can get this to drop? Also if anyone on xegony has a chain set for sale pst
Pok crashes my client after patch any ideas? Can’t load into game. I chose another toon and hit return home and then tried to port to pok and the...
I try paying through the website and it encounters an error. I try paying in game and it encounters an error. This is wildly disappointing since...
So yeah... I solo completed this mission, killing all 32 mobs, and 4 named, got the Treasure map, not to be confused with the burnt treasure map....
did they break the patcher? Unable to download SocketError:Host Not Found (11001) -...
Increases in power as you raise your faction with the Crystal Circle Builders. [IMG] For some reason my charm is not working correctly despite...
Start of #eqaachat buffer: Mon Dec 10 17:54:58 2012 * Elidroth (Elidroth@ has joined #EQAAChat <11Shang> elidroth darling...
I am on the kill portions of the quest. I have killed 76 Naeya and the: "Gather a sample from a Naeya" is still showing 0/1 and will not update....
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