I have no real problem with the nerf to xp in previous content , IF there is a bonus to xp in the most current content - which appears to be...
with the release of TDS the apparent complete lack of transparency is staggering. at the very last minute, with no warning or opportunity for...
may 14 - removal of harvest refresh proc - "testing needed" devs stated mana was an issue and met with a lot of feedback from players that this was...
When I was first introduced to Everquest, I loved the immersive feeling in a living world. players interacting with each other and with NPC's - folks...
wizard spell lvl 95 translocate:west karana ( tainted ethermere ) spell description: translocates your target to shard's landing. :oops:...
have been having an issue lately , merc disappears when zoneing , ( no slot ) have to either re-log or zone to get the merc back . has only started...
was our new Community manager going to tell us about all the new stuff for the anniversary.:p isn't it a bit early ? thought it was march 17 th.
thankyou for stopping into our server, Was a lot of fun and informational getting a chance to chat with you.. come raid with us some night if they...
LOADING, PLEASE WAIT... You have entered Denny's. You say, 'Hail Denny's hostess' Denny's hostess says 'Hello, Tyranadin. Welcome to Denny's....
new portals almost finished. silyssar , new chelisith candyland , morell's castle plane of shadows
The Official Class Envy Thread Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Piestro, 47 minutes ago. Thread Status: Not open for further replies....
I have several items that I have clicked and received the msg. that I have finished collecting that item yet the achievement box is unchecked. no...
which raid 2hb is the weapon choice. staff of unforgivable folly or wulan's staff of decay ? and why ?
as a caster , the "new" agro meter is completely useless. either it shows a very low agro ( of a tank ) that never changes or agro that is bouncing...
I have a new comp with windows 8 that has a voice recognition program. would using a program that turns voice commands into keystrokes be allowable...
I have seen several pieces about the flaws and hacks to java, and the most recent recommendation for java to be removed from all browsers. yet...
last nite I had summoned some temp items - warm milk / throwing knives on my main. after raids, I switched over to my bazzar mule and went offline...
some mobs are tagging merc's as kos and aggroing on them and killing them. running past a chetari in Breeding Grounds. mob did not see invs. my...
why are mobs in east waste - rof tier 1 dropping items from the original eastern waste zones ? such as the old spell runes that dont even work...
easte wastes task - "lost without a compass" kill 10 frost giants. killing a smuggler ( giant) will count and update the task. however you...
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