Please fix this. FV is almost unplayable at this point.
Example... I had a question about a discipline, and tried to send a message to the Shadowknight chat channel. After close to a minute went by after I...
Thank you!
From a dev in the thread that was closed: The "initial post": Where in the "initial post" did OP mention "Entering the FV world"? The reasoning...
Like every post and respond to every thread having to do with this. Lag has been horrible on FV since beta started. It needs fixed ASAP.
It seems to be tied to server population. It's worst during peak hours (evenings, weekends, raid times) but off-hours (mornings, weekdays) it's very...
Seems worse today than it has been in the last few weeks. Mobs rubber-banding, taking ages to zone, chat channels have been down all day, etc. Any...
Assuming this is true, will this take effect as soon as we preorder? I just returned to the game earlier this year, and have not purchased TBL...
Separate names with a comma.