Just wondering if any guilds (like GiG was on Mischief) are gonna run full GDKP rules if one of coming server will be with free trade?
After start new expansion devs and investors will think about new money income, as any big corp do. Like new 2020 business plan or something like it....
We have this illusion on Mangler, and it says you need SOD expansion to have buff, etc. But, Levitation effect (5 hours) is still work? I not think...
Why this mob so rare? It perma camped on Mangler by 8-10 ppl in both picks, and bonus rare spawn seems not work on it. Other camps like AJ or ground...
I duo monk/shaman and like it, but i played classic-pop on Agnarr and not sure how this duo be past POP. I testing this combo on live, after lvl 100...
Them cant be claimed on progression servers at all, or in some expansion them be available?
Anyone know how fast is mount from this new Iksar Heritage Crate? From last crate was bear, him is fast speed if me correct, but no info on Lumbering...
Dont see any Iksar Heritage Crate in marketplace?
Hi all! Have few question about HS work on TLP servers (currently on Agnarr). 1) As me read on forum atm ranger can HS any humanoid -1 lvl from...
Hi all! Have a question how to calculate ranger dps compare melee/bow.. Most rangers tell me till Luclin me will be melee, but me not understand...
New patch note: - Fire pets between levels 51 and 60 will cast lower-damage spells until Planes of Power opens on that server so they better match...
Anyone have problem with new claimable items from RoS expansion? On item its appear as "Unknown Spell" and if you click it nothing happen.. [IMG]
Have a question about rare items in Velious, like Classic DE mask or Fungi staff from Kunark, is it any of them avaliable only during Velious era? I...
Hi all! Me start a new ranger and lvl 54 now (on Agnarr server, we on Kunark atm), have question how can ranger interrupt casting mob? Me lvling in...
Hi, have a question about dps class on Agnarr (PoP locked). Want to lvl a twink for dps in group and cant decide who is better in groups mage or...
From crate is chance to get A “Bridle of Ursus Antonicus” dark bear mount. Anyone got it? Is it better regular market mounts, maybe faster or have...
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