Click my Snow Bunny Saddle to summon one of the greatest mounts ever conceived. Then I find myself staring far to the right of the mob I am...
LAG! Zoning take minutes. Tells not landing. Lag bad....lag bad [IMG]
Clicky addicts please gather together to hold hands. The others sadly will never quite understand the unmitigated jubilation we feel when we finish...
Nearly a lifetime ago I was a guide, which makes me feel ancient even admitting. Hanging with my gnomies in CS Home, porting about the game without...
Whist wandering about in the Bazaar I started musing upon the things that would make the game more fun to play. I would love to be able to exclude...
Was this game always meant to end up with us all having UI's that are so complex that it would confuse space shuttle pilots? It might just be me,...
As a tradeskiller I have 8 houses across my toons packed to the absolute gills with tradeskill materials. Their inventories are festooned with all...
Went to Vex Thall and could not get in. Was tossed to the safe part of the zone in Umbral Plains a few times before we tried to drop the instance,...
Auras confuse me as their duration is considered "persistent" and "permanent" yet they have a hidden timer and expire over time. Heck, even Allah...
If Krono were NO TRADE then that would take a massive chunk out of the bot crew sitting on spawns to extort other players into paying their inflated...
Is this possible? If not, why not? If so, is it to come? We were wanting to set up a guild that levels through content in era (or as close as we...
On Fironia Vie, where a krono sells for 4,000,000plat (ish), it become rather difficult to see whether that array of zeros is 300k or 3 million. Had...
Logging on to the newer TLPs I experienced what happened with previous ones, which is to hit the newbie zones and be awash with the apparent mass...
...of Thornblade and Mischief was actually rather smooth. Great job peoples behind the computers that made it happen. You may increase your...
Not sure what is going on, but I log in to play and I see it start to load to Character Select for a flash and then it goes back to Server Select and...
Would it be possible to stop requiring multiple characters to pop some easily soloable instance? If possible, the same could be said for incredibly...
Zones took forever, people crashed, chat lag, et cetera et cetera. [IMG]
*** Spells *** Changed Vampiric Curse and Bond of Death to use resource taps rather than a reflected recourse spell to return health to you. Changed...
There is a derth of information regarding playing a 115 Bard in Torment of Velious I had hoped that the collective wisdom, experience, and expertise...
As of the current patch notes... "- Bard - Improved the duration extension of all ranks of Selo's Sonata from 2 to 5 minutes." Great job DBG :)
Separate names with a comma.