Chardok was like that back in the day, too. My cleric was so bored she resorted to meleeing with a ruined heretic longsword (1-2 damage per...
We could use some Texas heat in Northern Europe. Still wearing my winter hat and coat at the start of this week. My memory of Texas is taking very...
All 3 of you should be out pulling really. The cleric lull line is fantastic for breaking up camps without the faff of FD splits (though of course it...
Until your daughter can pull, maybe go out with her and you engage the mobs. Engage hate is a grea Your wife should also keep Divine Aura up at all...
It's a catchall for automation, including in game automation that's legal if you are present at the keyboard, such as a pet mashing mobs that attack...
I've been playing on Oakwynd and Tormax at the same time, mostly soloing (the one time I got invited to a team on Tormax, I dumped Oakwynd). Tormax...
I love this thread and hope we can keep it going. There are so many dimensions and some of them are getting mixed up: is PoP really the cut off,...
Created a mage and an enchanter on Oakwynd. The skills are at cap, as usual, except, weirdly, Specialisation. The mage was an upgrade rather than a...
Has anyone made a random TLP wishlist generator yet, the way there used to be a (really good) random 'I am quitting EQ' rant post generator back in...
I always figured this was more to do with preserving rareness on Live servers. One of the annoying features of Magic: The Gathering was (is) the...
Tbh, the full group bonus is such that I usually just leave them in until someone else comes along, like a kind of useless pet. Maybe there's some...
This would be a great feature on all servers. There are several characters I don't play any more because they reached levels I don't find fun. An...
I knew that face looked familiar
TSS start would be great - as would anything that got people levelling off the usual track. Did they fix the issue with defiant dropping when TSS...
You do need to be prepared to switch back at a moment's notice with root/rot - though a slowed mob would help. With a mage you can burn down...
Definitely mage...BST is kind of work, and NEC is tons of you need to bother? If you're not engaged with the game until past the...
The double fungi is probably the best boost to a starting Shaman in this era: TLP Auctions ( I assume you want to team as that's...
+ PUGs + the competition that later EQ has from many other mmos. Early EQ has no competitors - later EQ has tons, as there are any number of high...
Also that's a differentiator for EQ2 (any race, any class). On the topic of getting people out of their 4 comfort zones, maybe they just need to...
Separate names with a comma.